German Linguistics
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The main focus of the Subject area of German Linguistics is the research, description and teaching of the German language, especially in its present forms and functions, but also in its historical development. The German language is regarded as a comprehensive cultural phenomenon and great importance is attached to its integration into the European context, which is characterized by multilingualism and interculturality. Through its research and mediation, a productive contribution is to be made to recognizing and understanding the interaction of linguistic and cultural or social processes and how to deal with them. The focus of research and teaching is on the linguistic structures of German from sound to text (systems linguistics), with special emphasis on lexicology and phraseology, as well as on the manifold manifestations and variation dimensions of German within and outside the German-speaking world. German studies is understood as an international science - in the sense of a unity of 'domestic' and 'foreign' German studies.
At Gunter Narr Verlag (Tübingen) the subject area is responsible for the series "Beiträge zur Interkulturellen Germanistik (BIG)".
Diverse cooperations with German language and literature institutions and chairs abroad, including in particular the DAAD-funded GIP project Erfurt-Moscow ("Intercultural German Linguistics: Impulses for Research and Teaching on Word and Text"), guarantee a multi-perspective approach in research, promotion of young scholars and teaching. Furthermore, the lively conference activities, such as the organization of the 4th Congress of the Central European Association of Germanists (MGV) under the title "Centers and Peripheries - German and its Intercultural Relations in Central Europe", contribute to the extensive international embedding of Erfurt's German linguistics.
The research activities of the Chair of German Linguistics cover wide areas of synchronic, but also diachronic German linguistics.
A more detailed overview of our research and current research projects can be found on the "Research" page.
You can find detailed information about aspects of teaching and studies on the website of the subject German Studies.
International affairs
The Subject area of German Linguistics at the University of Erfurt puts great emphasis on international and intercultural cooperation, as we understand 'German Studies' as a synthesis of so-called domestic and foreign German studies.
In particular, we would like to mention our DAAD-funded German Institute Partnership (GIP) under the title "Intercultural German Studies: Impulses for Research and Teaching of Word and Text". Our main partner is the Chair of German Language at the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the secondary partner is the Chair of German and French at the State Social Sciences and Humanities University in Kolomna. You can find more details on the subpage about our research.
We are also involved in international cooperations through our visiting scientists, joint research projects, publications, etc.
The Central European Association of Germanists (MGV) and our International Research Network for Intercultural German Studies (IFNIG)are important focal points.
Important links
- Bibliography of German linguistic and literature studies
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS)
- Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
- Deutscher Germanistenverband
- Deutscher Sprachrat
- Deutscher Wortschatz – Portal
- German text archive
- Digital dictionary of the German language
- Research center Deutscher Sprachatlas, Marburg
- Forum Deutsch als Fremdsprache
- German linguistics at University of Erfurt
- Germanistik im Internet – Erlanger Liste
- Germanistik im Netz (GiN)
- Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL)
- Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS), Wiesbaden
- Goethe-Institut, München
- Humboldt-Stiftung, Bonn
- Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim
- International online directory of academic German linguistics
- Karlsruher Virtueller Katalog (KVK)
- LinSE: Linguistik-Server Essen
- Mitteleuropäischer Germanistenverband (MGV)
- The Linguist List