Name | Heimatuniversität | Stipendienprogramm | Projekt |
Bereket Hasen Beddecha | Mekelle University | Deutsch-äthiopische Stipendieninitiative | New Media and Conflict in Contemporary Ethiopia |
Fesseha Berhe Gebregergis | Mekelle University | Deutsch-äthiopische Stipendieninitiative | The Dobᶜa of Ethiopia |
Yohannes Gebreselassie Shane | Mekelle University | Deutsch-äthiopische Stipendieninitiative | Kaleb, King of Aksum (6th Century AD): Construction of his Image in Ethiopian Written and Oral Traditions |
Zegeye Woldemariam Ambo | Mekelle University/ Bonga Teacher’s College | Deutsch-äthiopische Stipendieninitiative | The Kingdom of Kafa: An Ecological and Political Ethnohistory from the late 14th to the early 20th centuries |
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