offered courses in summer semester 2024
BA Practice Seminar: “Global Justice Clinic”
In the "Global Justice Clinic", students work together with partners from practice on real cases from human rights and climate protection and other areas of international law. The course begins with weekly introductory events in the first half of the semester and continues with one Block event in the second half of the semester with presence of practice partners. The clinic is offered as an alternative to the practitioner seminar international law. The number of participants is limited; a selection process may be carried out. The course is part of the project “Clinical Education in Global Justice” funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education; more information on the project here.
MA Seminar State and Law in Multilevel Systems: “Global Justice Clinic in Business and Human Rights”
The human rights responsibilities of businesses are gaining increasing importance in German and international law. In this course, students work on real case studies from business and human rights practice. A particular focus will be on human rights-based governance of transnational value chains, as exemplified by the German Supply Chain Law of 2021 and similar regulations in comparative and European law. Invited guests from human rights practice and business will give insights into their practical work and supervise the group work on the case studies. The course will be held in English language. Grading will be based on coursework done in project groups in cooperation with partner organisations from practice. The course is also open for MPP students. The course is part of the project “Clinical Education in Global Justice” funded by the Foundation for Innovation in Higher Education; more information on the project here.
Guidance Bachelor in Law
Professor Michael Riegner is the subject advisor for the BA Law. You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions on the faculty's FAQ website. Please direct any additional, subject-specific questions about the BA Law programme by e-mail to Christel Fliedner.Questions about your individual study planning and allocation should first be discussed with your mentor. General questions about studying that do not specifically concern law should be directed to the general student advice and counselling service.
Necessary information for the study counselling
- Your name, matriculation number, e-mail address
- What is the subject of your question or request? (1-2 keywords)
- In which degree programme and according to which examination regulations are you studying (or would you like to study)?
- In which semester are you studying (or when do you want to start your studies in Erfurt)?
- Which module(s) does your question relate to and, if applicable, which specific course(s)? Please state the module code and name and, if applicable, the title of the course and the semester in which the course is offered.
- Which provision(s) of the relevant examination regulations does your question concern? Please state the paragraph and, if applicable, the relevant section.
- Please formulate your question:
- For questions concerning the recognition of credits earned or to be earned at other universities in Germany or during a semester abroad, please provide the following information: Module code, name and number of credit points of the module of the relevant examination regulations in Erfurt for which the achievement is to be recognised at the other university; name of the other university, degree programme taken there, title of the course there that is to be recognised, workload in ECTS points, brief description of the course content (please copy in), form of the final examination, link to the module description
Supervisor of BA and MA theses
Please address requests for supervision of BA and MA theses in the major field of law and in the subject area of the professorship with a brief outline of the topic to Professor Michael Riegner.
Titles of previously supervised theses:
- "The influence of court rulings on the rights of nature on the media discourse on the rights of nature. A discourse-analytical consideration" (MA SoSe 2022).
- "Reasonable and nonreasonable fixed-term employment contracts: Stocktaking and Need for Reform" (MA WS 2022/23) (second supervision).
- "The Implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in Germany: Necessity and Elements of a Rights-Based Approach" (BA WS 2022/23)
- "Legal protections against international and human rights violations in the context of the externalization of migration management by the EU" (BA SoSe 2023).
- "The Global Networking of the Anti-Abortion Movement: Characteristics and consequences using Germany as an example" (BA SoSe 2023)
- "The Responsibility of the Federal Republic of Germany under International Law in the Case of Colonia Dignidad" (BA SoSe 2023).
Winter semester 2023/24
Constitutional Law: The Law of the organisation of the Federal Republic of Germany
You can find more information about the course on the Moodle learning platform. Please enrol there using the university-wide enrolment key.
For the first course you will need a text edition of the Basic Law. Further literature and materials can be found on Moodle.
Course date
19.10.2023 - 30.11.2023 Thursday 12:00-14:00h, HS1 KIZ, individual dates online
20.10.2023 - 01.12.2023 Friday 08:00-10:00h, HS 1 KIZ, individual dates online
Module final exam on 09.02.2024, 08:00-10:00h
Retest on 08.03.2024 08:00-10:00h
The lecture deals with the fundamental aspects of the organisation of the state of the Federal Republic of Germany, namely the constitutional organs of the Federation, the principles of electoral law, the principles of state structure and state objectives of the Basic Law, the legislative procedure of the Federation including the organs involved in it as well as the relationship between the powers constituted by the Basic Law including the judicial power (with emphasis on the Federal Constitutional Court). The lecture is guided by leading decisions from the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court.
Public law (fundamental rights
You can find more information about the course on the Moodle learning platform. Please enrol there using the university-wide enrolment key.
For the first course you will need a text edition of the Basic Law. Further literature and materials can be found on Moodle.
Course date
07.12.2023 - 08.02.2024 Thursday 12:00-14:00h, HS1 KIZ, individual dates online
08.12.2023 - 09.02.2024 Friday 08:00-10:00h, HS 1 KIZ, individual dates online
Module final exam on 09.02.2024, 08:00-10:00h
Repeat attempt on 08.03.2024 08:00-10:00h
The aim of the course is to impart basic knowledge about some selected fundamental rights that are characteristic for the free democratic basic order as well as the economic constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (Art. 5, 8, 9, 12, 14 as well as Art. 1, 2 and 3 GG). The most important elements of the general doctrine of fundamental rights (bearers of fundamental rights; scope of protection, doctrine of limits, proportionality and guarantee of essence) are integrated into this presentation. The entire presentation is guided by the leading cases of the Federal Constitutional Court.
law colloquium
Summer semester 2023
Postcolonialism in Law and Politics
You can find more information on dates, procedures and literature in the corresponding Moodle course. Please register there yourself with the university-wide registration key for the summer semester.
Course dates
Wednesdays 10-12 (only on certain dates) and block seminar.
In the course, students learn about postcolonial approaches in political science and law and apply them in case studies with local or contemporary relevance. The course combines joint text reading and discussion with project work on the case studies.
Global Justice Clinic in Economics and Human Rights
You can find more information on the procedure and literature in the corresponding Moodle course. Please enrol there yourself using the university-wide enrolment key for the summer semester.
Course date
Wednesdays 10-12h, LG 1/326
The human rights responsibility of business enterprises is gaining importance in German and international law. In this course, students work on real case studies from practice in the field of business and human rights. A special focus is on human rights governance of global supply chains as required by the German Supply Chain Act of 2021 and comparable foreign and European regulations. Guest lecturers from human rights practice and business provide insights into their practical work and supervise group work on the case studies.
Information on the previous cycle of the clinic event can be found here.
Winter semester 2022/2023
Constitutional Law: The Law of the organisation of the Federal Republic of Germany
You can find more information about the course on the Moodle learning platform. Please enrol there using the university-wide enrolment key.
For the first course you will need a text edition of the Basic Law. Further literature and materials can be found on Moodle.
Course dates
13.10.-24.11.2022, Thursday 12:00-14:00h, HS1 KIZ, individual dates online
14.10.-25.11.2022, Friday 08:00-10:00h, HS 1 KIZ, individual dates online
Module final exam on 3.2.2023, 8.00-10.00h
Retest on 2.3.2023, 12.00-14.00h
The lecture deals with the fundamental aspects of the organisation of the state of the Federal Republic of Germany, namely the constitutional organs of the Federation, the principles of electoral law, the principles of state structure and state objectives of the Basic Law, the legislative procedure of the Federation including the organs involved in it as well as the relationship between the powers constituted by the Basic Law including the judicial power (with emphasis on the Federal Constitutional Court). The lecture is guided by leading decisions from the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court.
Public law (fundamental rights)
You can find more information about the course on the Moodle learning platform. Please enrol there using the university-wide enrolment key.
For the first course you will need a text edition of the Basic Law. Further literature and materials can be found on Moodle.
Course date
01.12.2022-02.02.2023, Thursday 12:00-14:00h, HS1 KIZ, individual dates online
02.12.2022-03.02.2023, Friday 08:00-10:00h, HS 1 KIZ, individual dates online
Module final exam on 3.2.2023, 8.00-10.00h
Retest on 2.3.2023, 12.00-14.00h
The aim of the course is to convey basic knowledge of some selected fundamental rights which are characteristic for the free democratic basic order as well as the economic constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (Art. 5, 8, 9, 12, 14 as well as Art. 1, 2 and 3 GG). The most important elements of the general doctrine of fundamental rights (bearers of fundamental rights; scope of protection, doctrine of limits, proportionality and guarantee of essence) are integrated into this presentation. The entire presentation is guided by the leading cases of the Federal Constitutional Court.
Summer semester 2022
BA-Seminar "The Covid-19 Pandemic in International Law and International Administrative Law"
You can find more information on dates, procedures and literature in the corresponding Moodle course. Please enrol there yourself with the university-wide enrolment key for the summer semester.
Content description: The COVID-19 pandemic has made it possible to experience how vulnerable the globalised world is. It has disrupted supply chains, sent entire societies into lockdown, deepened global inequalities and challenged solidarities. Since viruses and infectious diseases do not stop at borders, international law, and in particular the World Health Organisation (WHO), is needed to coordinate global cooperation in combating the pandemic and to manage response processes, and the crisis has accordingly exposed the weaknesses of international law. The seminar will focus on the Covid 19 pandemic from the perspective of international law and international administrative law and the lessons to be learned from the crisis. It will be held as a block seminar together with Mr. Niklas Kramer, speaker at the Federal Ministry of Health, Department of Health Security and International Crisis Management. Current discussions and negotiations on strengthening the International Health Regulations and the creation of a new international treaty on pandemic control will thus flow directly into the seminar. Prerequisite for participation is the successful completion of the law modules of the O-phase. Previous knowledge of international law or at least simultaneous attendance of the lecture in international law is also desirable. A good knowledge of English is required for reading the texts.
MA-Seminar "Wirtschaft und Menschenrechte in transnationalen Lieferketten / Business and human rights in transnational value chains" (in German)
Winter semester 2021/2022
Constitutional Law: The Law of the organisation of the Federal Republic of Germany
Important note
Information on the end-of-semester exam can be found on the Moodle learning platform.
Course date
14.10.2021-25.11.2021, Thursday 12:00-14:00
15.10.2021-26.11.2021, Friday 08:00-10:00
The lecture deals with the fundamental aspects of the organisation of the state of the Federal Republic of Germany, namely the constitutional organs of the Federation, the principles of electoral law, the principles of state structure and state objectives of the Basic Law, the legislative procedure of the Federation including the organs involved in it as well as the relationship between the powers constituted by the Basic Law including the judicial power (with emphasis on the Federal Constitutional Court). The lecture is guided by leading decisions from the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court.
Public law (fundamental rights)
Important note
Information on the end-of-semester exam can be found on the Moodle learning platform.
Information on the online lecture Basic Rights can now be found on Moodle.
Course date
02.12.2021-03.02.2022, Thursday 12:00-14:00
03.12.2021-04.02.2022, Friday 08:00-10:00
Exam dates
1st written exam: 11.02.2022, 08:00-10:00
2nd written exam: 11.03.2022, 08:00-10:00
3 LP (module examination)
The aim of the course is to convey basic knowledge of some selected fundamental rights that are characteristic of the free democratic basic order as well as the economic constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (Articles 5, 8, 9, 12, 14 as well as Articles 1, 2 and 3 of the Basic Law). The most important elements of the general doctrine of fundamental rights (bearers of fundamental rights; scope of protection, doctrine of limits, proportionality and guarantee of essence) are integrated into this presentation. The entire presentation is guided by the leading cases of the Federal Constitutional Court.