Daniel Schönfelder, LL.M. (Bogotá)


External doctoral candidate and adjunct lecturer at the Junior Professorship of International Administrative Law and Public International Law (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)

Daniel Schönfelder, LL.M. (Bogotá)
  • Lawyer
  • Lecturer at the Assistant Professorship of International Administrative Law and Public International Law 


  • Since 2020 Attorney at Law, since 2021 with focus on Business & Human Rights and Sustainability, especially the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act.
  • Since 2019, teaching assignments in the field of Business & Human Rights, e.g. in the Master's program in Human Rights at the Universidad Santo Tomás, Villavicencio, Colombia and the University of Erfurt, Germany
  • Legal clerkship in Hamburg, including positions at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, at the GFA Consulting Group in the area of development cooperation, at the University of Speyer and in the area of migration law with attorney Claudius Brenneisen
  • Collaboration and most recently supervision of the cooperation between the Universidad Santo Tomás and the University of Konstanz as a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Martin Ibler
  • LL.M. at the Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, Colombia
  • Law studies at the University of Konstanz, internships at the German Bundestag and at the Hamburg Finance Authority, among others


I. Selected contributions to journals and anthologies

1. Co-Author in Das neue Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (Hrsg. Grabosch), 2021 Link for the chapters Menschenrechtliche und umweltbezogene Risiken (§4); Öffentlich-rechtliche Durchsetzung (§6, with Christoph Engel); Zur internationalen Harmonisierung der Sorgfaltspflichten (§9, with Robert Grabosch)

2. Human Rights in der „EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive", with Christine Heeg-Weimann, ESGZ 1/2022.

3. Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz: Menschenrechte als S in ESG - Eine rechtliche Einordnung, witj Noah Neitzel, Rethinking Finance 1/2022.

4. Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz: neue Pflichten zur Vermeidung menschen- und umweltrechtlicher Risiken weltweit, with Robert Grabosch, Arbeit und Recht (AuR) 2021, S. 488-494

5. Staatshaftung und Corona - Muss der Staat bei Betriebsschließung zahlen?, with Stephan Michaelis, Zeitschrift für Versicherungswesen 2021, Heft 4, S. 113–116

5. Nachhaltige Öffentliche Beschaffung – Rechtliche Spielräume und angewandte Praxis, with Anke Butscher, Kleine Kniffe October 2020, S. 30-31

6. Das Once-Only Prinzip, Universität Speyer, Speyrer Arbeitshefte Nr. 237/WITI-Praxis-Nr. 1, 2020, S. 1-17 Link

7. Für eine verbindliche und sanktionierbare menschenrechtliche Sorgfaltspflicht transnational agierender
Unternehmen, mit Maximilian Wörner-Schönecker, Rechtspolitisches Magazin der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialdemokratischer Juristinnen und Juristen 2018, S. 89-92 Link

II. Selected contributions on jurisprudential blogs

1. Stakeholder capitalism ante portas? ESG directors' duties & mandatory human rights due diligence developments in the EU and Germany, with Nikolaus Manthey and Moritz Rojekt, Nova Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment Blog, 13th May 2022 Link

2. Conducta empresarial responsable en entornos complejos - Por qué ejercer la debida diligencia al contratar servicios de seguridad (Parte 1) y referentes para la debida diligencia con proveedores de seguridad (Parte 2) con Margarita Cuervo, Agenda Estado de Derecho. 2022/03/31 Link y Agenda Estado de Derecho. 2022/05/19 Link

3. The Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence - Due Diligence Around the World (Part 1) and Enforcing Due Diligence Obligations (Part 2), with Stéphane Brabant, Claire Bright and Noah Neitzel, VerfBlog, 2022/3/15 Link and VerfBlog, 2022/3/16 Link

4. Responsible Business Conduct Regarding Security Providers: Legal and Non-Binding Frameworks for Practical Implementation', with Margarita Cuervo, Nova Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment Blog, 25th January 2022 Link

5. Linking Board Pay to Human Rights – New Developments from Germany, with Noah Neitzel, Nova Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment Blog, 8th October 2021. Link

6. Recognising Nuances: Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence in Mexico and Colombia, with Diana Sanabria, VerfBlog, 2021/4/21 Link

III. Law podcasts

1. Lieferketten und Menschenrechte, Podcast des Managerkreises der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, MK42, 4. März 2022 Link

2. Das Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz – Umsetzung in der Unternehmenspraxis, mit Noah Neitzel, FACHFRAGEN Podcast, 4. März 2022 Link