Jessica Holl, LL.M.

Research Fellow at the Junior Professorship of International Administrative Law and Public International Law (Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences)

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Jessica Holl, LL.M.


  • March 2022 - current - Research assistant - University of Erfurt, Germany

Main activities: Collaboration in the project "Varieties of Constitutionalism" (DFG/CAPES); development of scientific research and presentation of results; assistance in courses offered by the chair.

  • March 2020 - current - PhD in Law, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Preliminary title: Political Instrumentalization of Anti-Corruption Agenda Using the Example of the "Car Wash" Operation in Latin America

Supervision: Prof. em. Dr. Dres.h.c. Ulfrid Neumann

  • June 2020 - current - Legal Coordinator - Women's Visibility Association, Brazil

Main activities: coordination of the legal team; monitoring of processes and legislative proposals that specifically affect the enforcement of women's rights in Brazilian society; preparation of legal opinions on bills under consideration in the National Congress; data analysis and elaboration of opinions on women in politics; public policy and advocacy.

  • March 2015 - current - Researcher - Center for Transitional Justice Studies (CJT/UFMG), Brazil

Experience managing teams; legal research; writing legal opinions and reports to be presented before national and international organizations; organizing events and administrative activities.

  • November 2018 - November 2020 - Temporary Professor of Law - Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Brazil

Subjects taught: concepts of international law; constitutional law; introduction to the study of law; electoral law; sociology of law; research methodology in law; real estate law.

Other activities: coordination of the Transitions and Authoritarianism Study Group; coordination of the Women's Ombudsman Office.

  • June 2017 - December 2017 - Consultant - Truth Commission of the State of Minas Gerais (Covemg), Brazil

Advising on the preparation of Covemg's final recommendations.

  • April 2017 - December 2019 - Research Fellow - Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

Experience with international and constitutional law, managing and coordinating research groups, organizing academic events, planning courses and assessment activities, and administrative activities.

  • March 2017 - February 2019 - LLM (Master of Laws), Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

Dissertation: A Legacy from the Dictatorship Era Not Overcome by Law 12.034/2009: Reflections on the Presence of Women in Elections to the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies

Supervision: Prof. Dr. Emílio Peluso Neder Meyer

Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Andrade Cattoni de Oliveira

  • February 2012 - December 2017 - Bachelor of Law - Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

Focus: Human rights, international law and constitutional law

PhD project

Political Instrumentalization of Anti-Corruption Agenda Using the Example of the "Car Wash" Operation in Latin America

Research interests and expertise

  • Constitutional Law
  • International Law and Human Rights
  • Transitional Justice
  • Gender Studies
  • Democracy and Rule of Law
  • Brazilian Studies

Publications (selection)

  • Holl, Jessica; Mulheres e Participação Política: Análise Histórica e contexto atual. Belo Horizonte: Conhecimento, 2023.
  • Holl, Jessica; Bolsonaro and Transitional Justice, VerfBlog, 2022/9/27,, DOI: 10.17176/20220927-230730-0.
  • Meyer, Emílio Peluso Neder; Holl, Jessica. Justiça de transição na Argentina e o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos: uma análise do Caso Luis Muiña ("regra 2x1"). Revista de Direito Internacional, v. 15, 2018, p. 199-217.
  • Goncalves, Raquel; Holl, Jessica. Por que uma crítica feminista ao direito? Reflexões a partir do caso Inês Etienne. In: Bárbara Mendonça Bertotti; Ana Cristina Aguilar Viana; Letícia Regina Camargo Kreuz; Renata Caleffi. (Org.). Gênero e resistência, volume 1: memórias do II encontro de pesquisa por/de/sobre mulheres. 1ed. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi, 2019, v. 1, p. 137-164.
  • Meyer, Emílio Peluso Neder; Holl, Jessica. O Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos e a Judicialização da Justiça de Transição no Brasil: reflexões sobre a não efetivação da proteção internacional dos Direitos Humanos no pós-1988. In: Glauco Salomão Leite; Gustavo Ferreira Santos; João Paulo Allain Teixeira; Marcelo Abanca Corrêa de Araújo. (Org.). 30 Anos da Constituição Brasileira: balanço crítico e desafios à (re)constitucionalizarão. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2018, v. , p. 507-530.