General Information
Academic Program
Students choose two subsequent, intensive 4-week courses, taught in English by faculty of our partner universities focusing on state-of-the art issues in the field of communication studies. Additionally, students participate in a four-day trip to Berlin, the capital of Germany, complementing the academic program taking place at the University of Erfurt campus.
The program costs sum up to US $4.500 for two courses (including reading material), housing and the Berlin trip (travel and accommodation). An additional administrative fee might apply at your home university.
Travel to and from Erfurt, food, personal expenses and an international insurance will have to be organized and paid for by each participant. The liaison host will assist participants with organization. Day trips will be organized by the program coordinator but are not covered by the program fee and need to be paid for by the students depending on participation.
Since payment options vary at the different universities, please check with your study abroad office and SPICE coordinator. We can accept individual payment as well as group payments from each university.
Students will be living in fully furnished rooms in shared apartments next to the city center. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. Rooms are equipped with internet access too. The dorms are app. two minutes away from the city center, five minutes from the next grocery store and 15 minutes from the campus.
Participants are required to organize their own travel to and from Erfurt. The nearest international airport is Frankfurt Airport. All major airlines serve this airport. Between Frankfurt main station and Erfurt runs a regular high speed train service (ICE) that takes app. two and a half hours. A single ticket costs about 60 Euros ( Students arriving in groups of more than five will be picked up by the liaison host.
Students simply need a valid US-passport to enter Germany for a stay up to 90 days. If you want to travel to other esp. non EU-countries before, during or after the program, make sure you are aware of all entry regulations. The schedule of the courses is set up to allow for extensive travel activities throughout the program. The liaison host will assist you with arranging trips to your favored destinations.
Participating students need a valid health insurance covering international travel. The study abroad office of your home university might be of assistance.