Dr. Andrea Bambek


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Germanistischen Sprachwissenschaft im QUALITEACH II-Teilprojekt "Sprachliche Bildung in mehrsprachigen Kontexten" (Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft)


C23 – staff building 1 / C23.04.02

Office hours

nach Vereinbarung

Visiting address

Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
C23 – staff building 1
Alfred-Weber-Platz 6
99089 Erfurt

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. Andrea Bambek

Short vita

  • 01.10.2019 - today: Research associate in the QUALITEACH subproject „Sprachliche Bildung in mehrsprachigen Kontexten“ of the University of Erfurt (funded by the BMBF)
  • 01.05.2017 – 01.10.2019: Research associate in the subject area German as a foreign and second language at the University of Kassel, foci of work: German as a second language in teacher training in the BMBF project PRONET (professionalization through networking), conception, testing and evaluation of a basic module for German as a second language in teacher training courses, organization and implementation of conferences and further training for language-sensitive teaching
  • 2001-2017: Research associate in various linguistic projects and contract teacher for German as a foreign and second language, German linguistics and intercultural German studies at the universities of Kiel, Göttingen, Kassel and Erfurt
  • 2001: Doctorate with an intercultural-onomastic thesis on "First Naming in a Bilingual Environment" at the University of Kiel