Structure of the Study Programme

Duration of the Master's programme

The Master's programme in Applied Linguistics - Language Use, Processing and Acquisition generally lasts four semesters (two academic years).

Structure of the programme

The Linguistics degree programme comprises 120 credit points (CP) and is divided into a three-semester study phase (90 CP) and a semester for writing the master's thesis (30 CP).

In the study phase, the compulsory modules, all modules of a specialisation (36 CP) and two language modules on the same language (6 CP each) must be completed. In addition, further modules (18 CP) must be completed. These can be chosen freely from the specialisation modules that are not assigned to the chosen specialisation and from the elective modules. In the 4th semester, a master's thesis on a topic from the chosen specialisation must be written as part of the final module.

Compulsory Modules:

  • Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (15 CP)
  • Vocational Field - Internship (9 CP)
  • Final Module (30 CP)

Specialisation Modules: Language Use

  • Discourse Analysis (9 CP)
  • Language and Society (9 CP)
  • Corpus Linguistics (9 CP)
  • Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication (9 CP)

Specialisation Modules: Language Processing

  • Psycholinguistics I (9 CP)
  • Psycholinguistics II (9 CP)
  • Neurolinguistics (9 CP)
  • Clinical Linguistics (9 CP)

Specialisation Modules: Language Acquisition

  • First Language Acquisition (9 CP)
  • Foundations of Foreign Language Acquisition (9 CP)
  • Second and Foreign Language Acquisition (9 CP)
  • Special Topics of Language Acquisition Research (9 CP)

Elective Modules:

  • Language and Logic (9 CP)
  • Cognitive and Usage-Based Linguistics (9 CP)
  • Specific Topics from Applied Linguistics (9 CP)
KIZ Uni Erfurt

Course Catalogue

Course Catalogue

Examination Regulations Master of Applied Linguistics

Examination Regulations MA Applied Linguistics (2021) (German)

Master Examination Committee

Examination Committees of the Faculty of Philosophy

Student advice and counselling

Studienfachberater Master Angewandte Linguistik
(Faculty of Philosophy)
C23 – staff building 1 / room 906
Office hours
im WiSe 2024/25: Donnerstag zwischen 10:00 und 11:00 Uhr nach Voranmeldung per Mail
in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit i.d.R. via Webex nach Voranmeldung per Mail
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