Dear MUN enthusiasts, dear friends,
For more than ten years we have hosted our own Model UN conference at the University of Erfurt. Traditionally, it takes place at the town hall of Erfurt on the 2nd or 3rd weekend of January.
The conference fee includes the cost for the conference itself (placards, badge, and certification of participation) as well as snacks and drinks throughout the conference. Furthermore, it includes lunch on one day of the conference. Please be reminded that we do not provide accommodation, but we will gladly assist you if you need help finding proper accommodation or if couch surfing is an option for you.
For committee preparation you can use preparation guides found on the official NMUN homepage. Specific preparation guides will be sent out prior to the conference.
We do adhere to the official NMUN rules of procedure and the dress code is business attire. Please check here for information on our previous conferences.
If you are looking for further information regarding our conference please send an email to mun@uni-erfurt.de.
EfMUN 2024
Event Information
EfMUN 2024 will be held from January 19 - 21, 2024 in the marvelous town hall of Erfurt.
The following committees will be simulated:
General Assembly:
I Rights of Indigenous People
II Empowering Conflict-Affected Children and Youth
Security Council:
I Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflicts
II Women, Peace, and Security
I Strengthening Partnerships for Sustainable Development in Least Developed Countries
II Promoting Access to Affordable, Reliable, Sustainable, and Modern Energy for All
The conference fee will be 60 Euros, including light snacks and coffee, tea and water during the conference as well as lunch on Saturday. We are happy to help with finding accommodation in Erfurt and will do our best to provide a few couch surfing opportunities.
Please contact us for the country overview for each committee as well as the registration form. Please send us your registration until no later than January 5, 2024.
If you have any further questions, do not hestitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in the beautiful town hall of Erfurt in January!
Documents and Additional Information
Background Guide GA
Background Guide SC
Background Guide ECOSOC
EfMUN 2023
Event Information
EfMUN 2023 will be held from January 20 - 22, 2023 in the marvelous town hall of Erfurt.
The following committees will be simulated:
General Assembly:
I The Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects
II Reducing Nuclear Danger
Security Council:
I The Situation in Afghanistan
II The Use of Robust Mandates in Peacekeeping
United Nations Environment Assembly:
I Climate Change and Health
II Environmental Sustainability in the Textile and Fashion Industries
The conference fee will be 50 Euros, including light snacks and coffee, tea and water during the conference as well as lunch on Saturday. We are happy to help with finding accommodation in Erfurt and will do our best to provide a few couch surfing opportunities.
Please find the country overview for each committee attached as well as the registration form. Please send us your registration until November 20, 2022.
If you have any further questions, do not hestitate to contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in the beautiful town hall of Erfurt in January!
Documents and Additional Information
EfMUN 2020
Event information
Join us for our next EfMUN and experience a Model UN conference in our beautiful and historical town hall in Erfurt, Germany.
January 17 - 19, 2020
We will simulate three committees: the General Assembly is a great committee for first-timers, our Security Council provides the perfect environment for some heated debates, and finally, our Human Rights Council.
EfMUN 2020 Topics
General Assembly
I International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
II Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Security Council
I The Situation in Yemen
II Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Countering Terrorism
Human Rights Council
I Human Rights and Climate Change
II The Situation of Human Rights of Rohingya Muslims and Other Minorities in Myanmar
We offer coffee, tea, and water as well as light snacks throughout the conference. On Saturday we are also providing lunch at a local Italian restaurant. The conference fee is 50€ / Person. Furthermore, we are happy to assist in finding the right accommodation for you / your group. We also provide some spots for couch surfing.
In addition to the daily conference meetings, join our sightseeing tour of Erfurt on Friday morning and learn more about our wonderful city! Additionally, we invite you to join us for our nightly socials, where you will have the chance to network and meet new friends across committees and schools. Join us in one of our favorite bars and relax after long committee hours. A particular highlight is our party on Saturday night - get ready to dance the stress away!
First round of registration ends on November 1, 2019. Country matrix and registration details can be found on our website mid-September. Background Guides will be available mid-November. Position Papers are due mid-January. For further information please send an email to mun@uni-erfurt.de or check our Facebook Page.
We at EfMUN desire to provide you with both an academic and a fun experience!
We hope to see you at our EfMUN 2020 conference!
Model United Nations Erfurt
Join us for NMUN Germany 2019!
Documents & additional informations
- Schedule
- Registration Form
- Country Matrix
- Rules of Procedure
- GA Background Guide
- HRC Background Guide
- SC Background Guide
Position Papers are due January 10, 2020 and should follow the NMUN Position Paper Guide. Please send your delegation's papers / your own paper to mun@uni-erfurt.de. Please send the document as a PDF and name it committee_country (example: GA_Canada OR SC_UnitedKingdom).
Position Papers can be accessed here.
Participation Fee
50€ / Delegate
50€ / Tutor or Faculty Advisor
Please transfer the amount due to the account number listed below within two weeks after receiving the confirmation.
Akademische Simulation Erfurt e.V.
IBAN: DE37 8205 1000 0163 0331 88
Kreditinstitut: Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
Reason for payment:
Delegation Fee EfMUN 2020 Name Delegation, University
Delegate Fee EfMUN 2020 Name Participant, University
EfMUN 2019
Event information
Join us for our next EfMUN and experience a Model UN conference in our beautiful and historical town hall in Erfurt, Germany.
January 18 - 20, 2019
We will simulate four committees: the General Assembly is a great committee for first-timers, our Security Council provides the perfect environment for some heated debates, you have the chance to travel back in time by joining our Historical Security Council, and finally, our Human Rights Council will debate important aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals.
General Assembly
I Protection of Journalists in Armed Conflicts
II The Right to Privacy in the Digital Age
Security Council
I Addressing Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Conflict
II The Exploitation of Natural Resources and its Effects on Armed Conflict
Historical Security Council
- South African Apartheid 1960
Human Rights Council
I Protecting the Rights of Migrant Children and Adolescents
II Ensuring the Right to Clean Water and Sanitation for All
We offer coffee, tea, and water as well as light snacks throughout the conference. On Saturday we are also providing lunch at a local Italian restaurant. The conference fee is 50€ / Person. Furthermore, we are happy to assist in finding the right accommodation for you / your group. We also provide some spots for couch surfing.
In addition to the daily conference meetings, we are inviting you to join us for our nightly socials, where you will have the chance to network and meet new friends across committees and schools. Join us in one of our favorite bars and relax after long committee hours. Join our sightseeing tour of Erfurt on Friday morning and learn more about our wonderful city! A particular highlight is our party on Saturday night - get ready to dance the stress away!
For further information please send an email to mun@uni-erfurt.de or check our Facebook Page.
We at EfMUN desire to provide you with both an academic and a fun experience!
We hope to see you at our EfMUN 2019 conference!

- Schedule EfMUN 2019
- Rules of Procedure
- GeneralAssembly_BGG.pdf
- HistoricalSecurityCouncil_BGG.pdf
- HumanRightsCouncil_BGG.pdf
- SecurityCouncil_BGG.pdf
- Registration
- Country Matrix
Position Papers are due January 11, 2019 and should follow the NMUN Position Paper Guide. Please send your delegation's papers / your own paper to mun@uni-erfurt.de. Please send the document as a PDF and name it committee_country (example: GA_Canada OR SC_UnitedKingdom).
Participation Fee
50€ / Delegate
50€ / Tutor or Faculty Advisor
Please transfer the amount due to the account number listed below within two weeks after receiving the confirmation.
Akademische Simulation Erfurt e.V.
IBAN: DE37 8205 1000 0163 0331 88
Kreditinstitut: Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
Reason for payment:
Delegation Fee EfMUN 2019 Name Delegation, University
Delegate Fee EfMUN 2019 Name Participant, University
EfMUN 2018
Event information
Join us for our next EfMUN and experience a Model UN conference in our beautiful historical town hall in Erfurt, Germany.
January 19 - 21, 2018
We will simulate three committees: the General Assembly is a great committee for first-timers, our Security Council provides the perfect environment for some heated debates, and finally, you will also have the chance to travel back in time by joining our Historical Security Council.
General Assembly
I Facing the Effects of Climate Change: Environmental Migration
II International Cooperation to Address the World Drug Problem
Security Council
I Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea
II The Situation in the DPRK
I Enhancing Rapid Response mechanisms to Global Health Crises
II Mitigating the negative Effects of Climate Change
Historical Security Council
- The Congo Question (1960)
We offer coffee, tea, and water as well as light snacks throughout the conference. On Saturday we are also providing lunch at a local Italian restaurant. The conference fee is 50€ / Person. Furthermore, we are happy to assist in finding the right accommodation for you / your group. We also provide some spots for couch surfing.
In addition to the daily conference meetings, we are inviting you to join us for our nightly socials, where you will have the chance to network and meet new friends across committees and schools. Join us in one of our favorite bars and relax after long committee hours. Join our sightseeing tour of Erfurt on Friday morning and learn more about our wonderful city!
For further information please send an email to mun@uni-erfurt.de or check our Facebook Page.
We at EfMUN desire to provide you with both an academic and a fun experience!
We hope to see you at our EfMUN 2018 conference!

- Rules of Procedure
- Schedule
- ECOSOC Background Guide
- General Assembly Background Guide
- Historical Security Council Background Guide
- Security Council Background Guide
- Country Matrix
- Registration Document
Position Papers are due January 12, 2018 and should follow the NMUN Position Paper Guide. Please send your delegation's papers / your own paper to mun@uni-erfurt.de. Please send the document as a PDF and name it committee_country (example: GA_Canada OR SC_UnitedKingdom).
Participation Fee
50€ / Delegate
50€ / Tutor or Faculty Advisor
Please transfer the amount due to the account number listed below within two weeks after receiving the confirmation.
Akademische Simulation Erfurt e.V.
IBAN: DE37 8205 1000 0163 0331 88
Kreditinstitut: Sparkasse Mittelthüringen
Reason for payment:
Delegation Fee EfMUN 2018 Name Delegation, University OR
Delegate Fee EfMUN 2018 Name Participant, University
EfMUN 2017
Event information
We are happy to announce that we will host our own MUN conference EfMUN again in January 2017.
Traditionally, we simulate a General Assembly to provide the best possible exercise and preparation for larger simulations such as National Model United Nations in NYC. However, in 2016 we decided for the first time to also simulate a Security Council to allow participants to experience the varying dynamics in committees. This decision was so well received by the participants of EfMUN 2016, that we have decided to organize an additional committee at EfMUN 2017.
EfMUN 2017 will be held from January 20 - 22, 2017 in the marvelous town hall of Erfurt.
The following committees incl. topics will be discussed:
General Assembly:
1. Ensuring Developing Countries' Sovereignty over their natural resources
2. Privatization of War: Prohibition of Private Militias?
Security Council:
1. The Situation in Eastern Ukraine
2. Counterterrorism Measures
Historical Security Council (1948):
1. The Partition Plan of Palestine
At EfMUN we strive to provide all participants with a strong and academically excellent simulation, which allows them to use previously learned skills in rhetoric, negotiation and writing while at the same time creating a respectful and fun environment. In order to foster networking and socializing amongst participants, we organize various 'after-work-events' in the evening hours. Additionally, we want to share our love for our home town Erfurt and will organize a sightseeing tour of one of Germany's most beautiful cities.
The conference fee is 50 Euros which includes light snacks and coffee, tea and water during the conference as well as lunch on Saturday. Furthermore, we are happy to help with finding the right accommodation and provide some spots for couch surfing.
We kindly ask that you please register yourself by sending an email to mun@uni-erfurt.de with the following information:
Single Delegate/Delegation
Dietary Restrictions
Three country preferences/committee preferences
before December 17, 2016.
We look forward to seeing you all at EfMUN 2017!