FAQ-Bachelorarbeit - "neu" (ab WiSe 2021/22)

1. How can i write my bachelor thesis?

The Bachelor's thesis (B thesis) is a written or artistic-practical work that is usually to be written in the final year of study.

However, the registration of the Bachelor thesis must be discussed in advance with the respective examiner/supervisor. For more details on the examiner/supervisor, see 4.

The application for the issue of a bachelor thesis can be found here:

Bachelor thesis topic issue (pdf)

2. Can I write my bachelor thesis in any field of study and where or with whom do I have to register it?

The bachelor thesis is written in the major subject in the module "Bachelor thesis". For their Bachelor's thesis, students have to choose a topic from the area of their major subject or a cross-disciplinary topic with the focus of their major subject.

A topic can generally be chosen freely, provided that the respective supervisor agrees to this, or is specified by the supervisor.

The topic of the Bachelor thesis is issued in the module "Bachelor thesis" of the respective major subject upon application (see point 8.) to the module examiner (examiner).

In view of the large number of B theses and the number of students required to complete them, supervision should be arranged with the relevant supervisor in an earlier semester. Therefore, please contact your desired supervisor/examiner as early as possible and observe any deadlines of the department.

Students of International Relations please note the information on the website. All around studies 

3.What is the scope of a bachelor thesis and how long do I have?

As a rule, the length of the paper should not exceed approx. 10,000 words (approx. 25 pages).

The selected topic should be of such a scope that a time frame of 360 h or a total of approx. 9 weeks can be adhered to.

4.Who can supervise my bachelor thesis?

All professors of this faculty as well as all academic councillors or doctoral research assistants in the faculty can be chosen as supervisors for a Bachelor's thesis. In exceptional cases, professors, academic councillors and post-doctoral research assistants from other faculties and academic institutions of the University of Erfurt can also be chosen as supervisors; however, this always requires consultation with the coordinator of the field of study responsible for the main subject, since an assignment can only be made via the professors listed in the course catalog (E.L.V.I.S.) in the Bachelor's Thesis module. For other supervisors, the decision on the appointment of examiners is the responsibility of the BA Examination Committee of the Faculty of Political Science. The corresponding application is to be submitted to the BA Examination Committee via Ms. Liska Kübel (LG 1/0054).

5. What do I do if my bachelor thesis was graded "not sufficient"?

If the Bachelor thesis is assessed as "insufficient", the supervisor/examiner shall set a deadline within which the Bachelor thesis can be reworked. In addition to the appointed supervisor/examiner, the reworked thesis must also be evaluated by a second examiner who is proposed by the actual supervisor/examiner and appointed by the chairperson of the examination committee.

If the final grade of the Bachelor thesis is "not sufficient", a second Bachelor thesis can be written once in the following semester. To do this, the student must take the Bachelor's Thesis module in the major subject again.

6. Where do I go if the supervisor/examiner of my BA thesis is ill?

In this case, please contact the BA Examination Committee. This committee will then discuss on a case-by-case basis how much influence this has on the progress of the B-work. If necessary, you will be granted a postponement.

7. What do I do if I fall ill during the time?

If proof of illness is present, the processing time will be extended by the time of the illness.

This is done automatically after the sickness notification has been submitted to SuL and the Dean's Office. After processing, you will receive a document with the respective new submission date.

8. Where can I find the application for the bachelor thesis, the framework examination regulations of the university of Erfurt and the study regulations of political science?

Information in this regard is available on the central pages of the "Study and Teaching" department.

You can find the "Studienordnung Staatswissenschaften" here 

You can find the "Rahmenprüfungsordnung" here

You can find the application for the issue of a bachelor thesis here