Johanna Amaya-Panche, PhD

Visiting Lecturer (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Johanna Amaya-Panche, PhD

Short Biography

Johanna Amaya-Panche is a Lecturer in Latin American Politics at the Institute of the Americas and serve as the Director of the Master's Program in Latin American Studies at University College London. Additionally, she is a member of the Conflict & Change Cluster within the Department of Political Science. In 2023, she earned her PhD in Government from the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. She has a Master of Research in Latin American Studies and a Bachelor of Honours in Political Science and International Relations from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia. Her research interest is at the crossroads of International Relations and Development, Political Science and Research Methods. Her particular focus centres on the impact of international actors upon the intricate local dynamics of collective action strategies initiated by civil society agents to foster peace, resilience, and reconciliation amidst armed conflicts, focusing on gender and ethnic issues. Her primary sphere of interest encompasses Latin America and the Global South, which hold a special significance in her work. In addition to these core concerns, her academic curiosity extends to interlinked subjects. This encompasses exploring transitional justice, multiculturalism, ethnicity, equality, diversity, and the inclusion of diverse populations and an inquiry into research methodologies that underpin our comprehension of intertwined global and local phenomena.

She has also undertaken roles as a researcher and policy analyst for international organizations, including the European Union, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Global Survivors Fund, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Fund. The projects she been involved in have received funding from diverse sources, such as USAID, the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), and the European Union. Her research has been discussed through media platforms such as France 24, The Dialogue, The Canning House, and the Interetnich Committee for implementing the Peace Agreement in Colombia.

Johanna Amaya-Panche is a proud first-generation, mixed-race female scholar from the Global South with a working-class family background. Before starting her PhD, she was an associate professor and consultant in Colombia, focusing on diversity, inclusion, peace-building, and community resilience.

Courses taught at the Brandt School

Summer Semester 2024

  • Conflict, Peace, and Foreign Aid in the Americas