Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter

Visiting Lecturer (Willy Brandt School of Public Policy)

Mailing address

Universität Erfurt
Willy Brandt School of Public Policy
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter

Short Biography

Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter joined the Willy Brandt School as Junior Professor for International Conflict Management in January 2013. Her focus lied on external democracy promotion in post-conflict and transition societies, post-conflict peacebuilding, the role of international organizations, esp. the European Union, and on the effectiveness of instruments of civil crisis and conflict management. She has a regional expertise on Eastern Europe, the Western Balkan countries, and Colombia. Since October 1, 2020, Prof. Dr. Solveig Richter holds the Heisenberg Professorship for International Relations and Transnational Politics at the Leipzig University.

Before coming to Erfurt, Solveig Richter worked as a senior research associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs/Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Berlin (SWP), in the research division EU External Relations. There she primarily concentrated on EU enlargement policy and political transition in South Eastern Europe and on the European security architecture. Solveig Richter studied political science, history and science of communication in Dresden and Strasbourg. She conducted research for her PhD at the University of Technology Dresden and the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy in Hamburg (IFSH). In her dissertation she examined the effectiveness of the OSCE’s democratization policy in Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina and Serbia. Solveig Richter also spent some months at the OSCE Mission to Croatia in Zagreb as Carlo-Schmid-Fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service. She is a trained international election observer. During her professional career, she also worked as lecturer, journalist and political consultant. Since January 2019, she is co-editor of the Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (ZeFKo), the most important journal in the field of peace and conflict studies in the German-speaking area. She is also the coordinator of the Brandt School as associate member in the German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ.



  • Democratic peace, democratization and external democracy promotion
  • Post-conflict peacebuilding and instruments of conflict management
  • EU external relations and Europeanization effects in the EU’s near abroad
  • Dynamics of the Peace Process in Colombia, specifically DDR process and UN
  • European security architecture and security regimes, e.g. OSCE


  • Dynamics of the Peace Process in Colombia

  • Peace Missions and Informal Power Networks



2019: „Las Farianas: Reintegration of former female FARC-EP fighters as drivers for the peace process in Colombia”, in Cuadernos de Economía, 38: 78, S. 753-784 (with Laura Camila Barrios Sabogal).

2019: „Money, Power, Glory: The Linkage between EU Conditionality and Domestic Politics in the Western Balkans”, in: Journal of European Public Policy, DOI: 10.1080/13501763.2019.1578815 (with Natasha Wunsch).

2018: „Missing the Muscles? EU Mediation by Conditionality in Bosnia and Herzegovina”, in: International Negotiation, 23, S. 258–277.

2017: „Der Wolf im Schafspelz: Illegitime Herrschaft durch ‚State Capture‘ in Nachkriegs- und Transitionsgesellschaften“, in: Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 6: 2, S. 174-206. (“Wolf in Sheep's Clothing - Illegitimate rule through State Capture in post-war and transitional societies“)

Courses taught


  • Conflict Studies and Management: Theories and Concepts (winter semesters)
  • Conflict Studies and Management: Analysis and Practical Conflict Management Skills (summer semesters)
  • Master Thesis Colloquium (summer semesters)
  • Project Group: Peace and Policy: Innovations in Peace Missions (WS 2018/19)
  • Songs and Movies of War and Peace (WS 2019/20)
  • Scenario Building (SS 2020)