Sprecher der Forschungsstelle PECEE (History Department)
Office hours
nach Vereinbarung
Visiting address
History Department
C18 – teaching building 4
Alfred-Weber-Platz 4
99089 Erfurt
Mailing address
Universität Erfurt
History Department
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Research Associate (Professorship for History of Science) (Faculty of Philosophy)
Office hours
on appointment
Visiting address
Faculty of Philosophy
C18 – teaching building 4
Alfred-Weber-Platz 4
99089 Erfurt
Mailing address
Universität Erfurt
Faculty of Philosophy
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Educational Background
2021 PhD from the University of Cologne (cotutelle with the Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History Polish Academy of Sciences); certificate „Doctor Europaeus“
2018 M. A. in the History of Knowledge from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow)
2017 M. A. in Cultural and Intellectual History between East and West from the University of Cologne
2016 B.A. in History from Moscow State Pedagogical University
Relevant Experience
01/2023 – Walter Benjamin Fellow at the Chair for the History of Science, University of Erfurt
10/2021– 12/2022 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Chair for the History of Science, University of Erfurt
03/2021– 09/2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Erfurt
04/2018–03/2021 EUmanities Research Fellow at the Graduate School for the Humanities a.r.t.e.s. (The University of Cologne; the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 713600)
10/2018– Associate Fellow at the Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung
01/2020–02/2020 Chercheur invité at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (Paris)
09/2017–12/2017 Assistant researcher at the Center for the History of Ideas and Sociology of Knowledge (Poletayev Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
09/2013–04/2018 Teacher at the Center of Creativity “On Vadkovsky” (Moscow)
Research Project
Research Project: ‘Intelligence’ as a Form of ‘Sociological’ Thinking around 1900 (Working title)
My project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), deals with the question of how ‘intelligence’ has become one of the central research objects in both the natural and social sciences. Within this project, I intend to investigate the political and social factors that catalysed the rapid development of the discourse of intelligence in the 20th century. My idea is to explore this phenomenon in relation to central ‘sociological’ categories such as social grouping, morality, stability, and normality. I will also examine how the scientific authority of intelligence influenced not only conservative, meritocratic and racist discourses, but also socialist, anarchist and other social theories orientated towards social inclusion. Using this framework, my project focuses not on social differentiation between individuals, but into which political and social forms ‘intelligence’ could be transformed, as well as on the political bodies that were constructed and ‘scientifically’ legitimised with references to the discourse of intelligence. In its early phases, I will focus on the development of the discourse of intelligence in the German Empire using Yiddish/Hebrew and Polish-language sources. However, my project will necessarily cross national and geographical borders due to its research question and the methodological approach.
Selected Publications
Public Knowledge in Cold War Poland: Scholarly Battles and the Clash of Virtues, 1945-1956, London & New York: Routledge, 2023 Link
- 2024 (in print) Sovietization, in: Katrin Steffen, Maciej Górny, Bartosz Dziewanowski-Stefańczyk (eds.), Routledge History of Poland, London/New York: Routledge.
- 2023 Review: Blut und Metall. Die transnationalen Wissensräume von Ludwik Hirszfeld und Jan Czochralski im 20. Jahrhundert Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2021, in: NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin. Link
- 2022 ‘Periodisations’ in Intellectual History: On the Plurality of Continuities in the post-war Public Debates of Poland, in: Jade McGlynn, Lucian George (Eds.): Rethinking Period Boundaries: New Approaches to Continuity and Discontinuity in Modern European History and Culture, Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 149 – 174. Link
- 2021 Review: Izabela Wagner, Bauman: A Biography, Cambridge: Polity Press 2020, in: Acta Poloniae Historica, Vol. 123, pp. 353 – 362. Link
- 2021 The Academic Virtues in Public Discussion: Adam Schaff and the Campaign against the Lvov-Warsaw School in Post-War Poland, in: Studia Historiae Scientiarum, Vol. 20, pp. 711–753. Link
- 2020 Auf dem Weg zur „Einheit“: Józef Chałasiński und die Suche nach einer „erlaubten“ Genealogie der Soziologie im Nachkriegspolen (1945–1951), in: NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 519–546. Link
- 2019 The „Scientific View“ of the Intelligentsia: The Literary Roots of Scholarly Public Debates in Post-War Poland (1946–1948), in: HISTORYKA. Studia Metodologiczne Vol. 49, pp. 77–100 Link
- 2019 Review: Science Overcoming Borders, hrsg. von Věra Dvořáčková, Martin Franc. Masarykův ústav a Archiv AV ČR: Praha, 2018., in: Acta Poloniae Historica, Vol. 119, S. 350–357. Link
- 2019 Theory in Action: French Personalism in the Public Debates of Post-war Poland, in: Reliģiski-filozofiski raksti XXV, pp. 277–293. Link
- 2019 Conceptualising „Anti-Zionism“: Piasecki’s Group as an Intellectual Resource for the 1968 Antisemitic Campaign in People’s Poland, in: Europa Orientalis. Studi e ricerche sui paesi dell'Est europeo, 38 (2019), pp. 103–118. Link
- 2017 Obraz SSSR v refleksii Pol’skoi katolicheskoi intelligentsii (1945–1948) (The Image of the Soviet Union in the Reflection of the Polish Catholic Intelligentsia, 1945—1948), in: Alexander V. Golubev (Ed.): Rossiia i mir glazami drug druga, Moskva: IRI RAN, pp. 201–214.
- 2017 „Nemeckii vopros“ v refleksii pol’skoi katolicheskoi intelligentsii (1945–1948 gg.) (The ‘German question’ in the Reflection of the Polish Catholic Intelligentsia,1945—1948). In: Vera D. Ken (Hrsg.): Seminar / Seminar / Seminarium: Sbornik statei: Raboty pobeditelej Deviatogo otkrytogo konkursa studencheskikh i aspirantskikh rabot «Aktual'naja nauka» (Sovetskii Soiuz, Pol’sha i drugie strany Tsentral’noi i Vostochnoi Evropy v mirovoi politike XX veka) pamiati O.N. Kena, vyp. 4 (9), Sankt Peterburg: OOO Izdatel’sko-poligraficheskaia kompaniia „KOSTA“, pp. 89–103.
- 2016 Pol’skaia katolicheskaia intelligentsiia i ideologiia marksizma: Stanovlenie „otnoshenii“ (1945–1948) (The Polish Catholic Intelligentsia and Marxist-Ideology: The Formation of Relations, 1945–1948), Clio-science: Problemy istorii i mezhdistsiplinarnogo sinteza: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, Vol. VII. Moskva: MPGU, pp. 186–193
- 2015 Chelovek kak simvol, ili obraz arkhiepiskopa Evlogiia (Georgievskogo), „vossoedinitelia uniatov“ Vostochnoi Galitsii (1914–1915) (A Man as a Symbol, or the Image of the Archbishop Evlogy (Georgievsky), the ‘Unitor of Uniates’ in Eastern Galicia, 1914—1915), in: Clio-science: Problemy istorii i mezhdistsiplinarnogo sinteza: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov, vyp VI, M.: MPGU, pp. 169–181
- 2015 „Novyi format“ „vossoedineniia“ uniatov ili „spasenie dush“ v Vostochnoi Galitsii (1914–1915 gg.) (A ‘New Format’ of the Uniates Reunion or the ‘Salvation of Souls’ in Eastern Galicia, 1914—1915), in: Elena Y. Bolotova (Ed.): Rossiia v mirovykh vojnah XX veka, Volgograd: „Blank“, pp. 112–118
- 2015 Dva podkhoda k resheniiu „uniatskogo voprosa“ v Zapadnom krae (tsarstvovanie Nikolaia I) (Two Approaches to the ‘Uniat Question’ Solution: The Reign of Nicholas I), in: Vsevolod E. Voronin (Ed.): Kliuchevskie chtenija 2014. Moskva: „Sputnik“, pp. 145–151
Public Outreach
An Interview for New Books Network (Link)
Short lectures for the German Historical Institute Warsaw "Public Knowledge in Cold War Poland" (Links: I, II III)
"Virtues as a Lens: Exploring Science, Scholarship, and Politics under Soviet Domination" for the Blog "History of Knowledge: Research, Resources, and Perspectives" (Link)