Selection/Orientation Workshops

With reference to the Summer School on Cyber Culture from 12-23 August, 2014, a series of selection and orientation workshops took place at the University of Punjab, Lahore and at the University of Peshawar. The motivation of these workshop was to:

  • oversee selection process of the candidates participating in the summer school
  • conduct orientation workshops in order to prepare students for expected and unexpected situations during their stay in Germany.

Selection Workshop (7 - 16 March, 2014)

  • ca. 100 students applied for the summer school from Peshawar/Punjab University
  • 40 students were shortlisted based on their performance in the online form
  • Four professors from Uni Punjab/Peshawar supervised two selection workshops
  • Shortlisted candidates were given a topic at the beginning of the workshop and asked to discuss it in 15 minutes.
  • 13 students (7 female, 6 male) were finally selected out of the pool of 40.

Orientation Workshops (17 March - 8 April, 2014)

Four Orientation Workshops were held in Peshawar and Lahore in order to prepare students from different aspects for their journey to Erfurt/Germany.

  • Orientation workshops focused on expectations on student/summer school organisation sides
  • Group works were conducted to improve the student abilities in group-work setting in Erfurt (and in general)
  • Concentration on using internationally accepted words/vocabulary during the summer school for the wider understandability instead of using the native words/references which previous participating students faced difficulties to comprehend.
  • The workshop also emphasised in understanding the project as a whole especially the sensitivities involved around a dialogue-oriented setting.