Research profile

With the boom of research regarding the “spatial turn” especially in cultural studies many projects are concerned with spatial perspectives. The reflections are predominantly one-dimensional – or more precisely: three-dimensional as the temporal perspective is often neglected. The Erfurt SpaceTime Research group dedicated itself to the scientific examination of both categories in connection to each other. On the one hand our goal is to combine projects at the University of Erfurt. On the other hand we intend to give new impulses to the theoretical debate as well as to a regionalization and historicization of the dealing with space and time. Apart from the world regional and the epoch-spanning approach of the Erfurt TimeSpace Research group the interdisciplinary ansatz is of importance. Thus, historians, philosophers, geographers as well as scholars from the fields of religious studies, communication and literature participate in the group. Of course, other interested colleagues are likewise invited to join us. Our primary form of exchange are workshops with very intense discussions. The specific topics are chosen by our participants. Relevant experts beyond the group are invited to the events where we increasingly cooperate with research institutions from the “outside”.

From a conceptual perspective we assume that on a lived and daily level spatiality and temporality in its constructedness cannot be separated from each other. A focus of the research group lies on the spatial and temporal practices. As an access point we often times refer to a trialectic of the material, produced and imagined constitution of space and time. Among others we analyze techno-economic networks with regard to efficient movement in space, the societal negotiations of soundscapes, the temporalization and localization of societies in global reference systems, concepts of time and space existing parallel to each other or being opposed to each other, change of cultural modes of behavior with respect to time and space, specific spatio-temporally constructed formations of knowledge as well as the meaning of spatiality and temporality for the human self-constitution.

This is the downloadto our draft paper (in German).

Theories and Theoricians of SpatioTemporality


The theoretical and methodological analysis of concepts about Spatiality, Temporality and SpatioTemporality has been a central field of research and discussion within the Erfurt SpaceTime Research Group since its foundation. Accordingly, methodological and theoretical reflexions are not only at the center of attention in single contributions but also frame the topic of some of the groups events. Currently we are concerned especially with the oeuvre of Henri Lefebvre.


Past events

"Everyday Poiesis – zur Platzierung des Politischen bei Lefebvre", 3rd workshop on Henri Lefebvre, 19./20.05.2017, Basel.

Download of the invitation for the workshop.


"Raum anders denken. Die Begriffe der Raumtrias, des Residualen und der Heterotopie bei Henri Lefebvre."

Download of the program.

Convener: DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Topologie der Technik" together with SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt

"Lefebvre lesen. Plurale Zugänge zu einem vernachlässigten Raumdenker des 20. Jahrhunderts"

Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt together with the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg „Dynamiken von Raum und Geschlecht“

"Taktungen: Zeiten. Rhythmen. Räume"

Download of the announcement.

Download of the program.

Convener: Spatio-Temporality Erfurt

Forschungsatelier „Historische Zeitforschung und globale Geschichtsschreibung: Krisen – Ordnungen – (Un-)Gleichzeitigkeiten"

Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt together with Thoralf Klein and Martina Winkler

"Raumzeitliche Praktiken - Interdisziplinäre Annäherungen"

Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt

"Theoretische Konzepte raumzeitlicher Ordnungspraktiken: de Certeau – Eliade – Koselleck"

Download of the announcement.

Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt with support of the platform "Weltregionen und Interaktionen", the Historische Seminar of the University of Erfurt and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

SpatioTemporality of Politics


The analysis of political conceptions from spatio-temporal perspectives was established as another field of research. So the Erfurt SpaceTime Research Group hosted an international conference about the SpatioTemporality of the Imperial in Oktober 2014, whose results are published in a volume. Another conference about the concept the “West” is in the process of planning.


Past events

Presentation: "Romanization and the Digital FutBilderure of Philology"

Presentation:  "Romanization and the Digital FutBilderure of Philology"by Prof. Dr. Christopher Gogwilt (Fordham University, New York)

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt together with Forum: Texte.Zeichen.Medien (TZM)

"Die Raumzeitlichkeit des Imperialen"

Download of the meeting's concept.

Download of the meeting's program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt

Aesthetics and SpatioTemporality


As aesthetical perspectives played a role in many contributions and events we organized a first workshop about “SpatioTemporalities of Aestetic Forms” in the summer semester of 2014 in cooperation with the art historian Jutta Vinzent (University of Birmingham / fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg), now a member of the group. After very intense and fruitful discussion a series was developed eventually.


Past events

Workshop "Linien. RaumZeitliche Perspektiven"

´Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt together with the Max-Weber-Kolleg

Workshop "Raumzeitlichkeiten ästhetischer Formen"

Download of the concept.

Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt together with the Max-Weber-Kolleg

SpatioTemporality of Religion

Past events

"Zwischenräume II - Raumvorstellungen und Raumpraktiken im Heterochronotopos"

Download of the program.

Convener: Sabine Schmolinsky (Erfurt), Muriel Gonzáles Athenas (Bochum) and Monika Frohnapfel-Leis (Erfurt), with support of the Ernst-Abbe Stiftung, Erfurt

"Räume des Religiösen: Zwischenraum, third space oder Heterotopie?"

Download of the program.

Convener: Muriel González Athenas (Bochum) and Monika Frohnapfel-Leis (Mainz/Erfurt)

"Locating Matyrdom in Space/Time"

Download of the workshop's draft.

Download of the program.

Convener: :Prof. Dr. Katharina Waldner (Erfurt) and Prof. Dr. Harry Maier (Erfurt), Erfurt

Knowledge and SpatioTemporality


Another central field of research of the Erfurt SpaceTime Research Group are approaches of the history of knowledge and the history of science, whereas the holdings of the Perthes Archive form a special focus. In this sense already the second workshop in 2011 was dedicated to the “Historical Reading of Maps”.


"Zirkulation des Wissens"

Download of the program.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt together with the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

"Arbeiten vor Ort, arbeiten am Raum. Geographische Expertisen zwischen den Weltregionen"

Download of the program.

Download of the poster.

Convener: SpatioTemporality Research Erfurt and the Forschungszentrum Gotha

"Historisches Kartenlesen"

Download of the program.

Download of the announcement.

Convener: SpatioTemporality, Historisches Seminar Erfurt, Forschungsbibliothek Gotha, Sammlung Perthes