Information on inter-library loan

General information

Startseite des GVK, gemeinsamen Bundkatalogs

Literature not held in the library or in any other library in Erfurt can be requested by inter-library loan. You can search for and order the required literature on the Common Union Catalogue (GVK). Please also consider holdings of the Gotha Research library listed on VD 16  as well as in handwritten and printed catalogues of the library.



For inter-library loans you need a user card/thoska from Erfurt University Library/Gotha Research Library and an inter-library loan account. Please open this account at the information desk on the ground floor before your first online inter-library request. The minimum charge is € 1.50 (fee for one order per book or copies of up to 20 pages, as a fee for expenses regardless of the success of the request).

Start your Inter-library loan online on the Union Catalogue (GVK). By clicking on the button "loan request" or "copy order" you open the request form.  Enter the number of your user card/card and your password  and follow further instructions.

Delivery, lending period, return

Delivery takes about 1 to 3 weeks. You are notified as soon as your order has arrived. Members of Erfurt University are notified by e-mail. All other users can also receive a notification by e-mail if they leave an e-mail address.

The lending period is usually 4 weeks for books. Any restrictions on use and the lending period are set by the supplying library. If you need to renew the lending period, please contact us at the information desk in good time. Please return borrowed media at the service desk.

A maximum of 10 % of copyrighted works can be requested as partial copies as well as copies of single articles from scientific journals.

Ordered copies will be sent directly to the e-mail address saved in your library account. You can access the PDF file within 30 days via the download link provided in the e-mail.


Status of inter-library loan request

Click on "inter-library loan account" on the Common Union Catalogue (GVK10plus) and enter your user number and password.  Your requests are shown on the next screen.  You can check the status of each request sent by clicking on the respective title.


Can't find what you need?

If you cannot find the required literature on the inter-library loan catalogue or if online inter-library loan is not possible, please contact us at the information desk or by electronic form:

Interlibrary Loan Request (Copy)

Interlibrary Loan Request (for Loan)


Information Services
Contact: Antje Boon
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / Servicetheke
Lending Services. Inter-library Loan Division
Contact: Anja Peine
(Erfurt University Library)