Remote access to electronic resources

Remote or off-campus access to licensed databases, e-journals or e-books is possible for staff and students of Erfurt University. There are two options for accessing; required is the personal university account:

Authentication process Shibboleth

Shibboleth-Logo (Ein Greif mit Drachenschwanz)

Shibboleth is a means of authentication and authorization which allows members of the university the use of licensed material from any internet computer or other electronic device (e.g. laptop, tablet PC or smartphone) at home or other locations. A user-ID (single sign-on) is needed.
Shibboleth does not allow access to the university network as a whole, but rather access via providers and their products, which can, however, usually be used across the board by way of single sign-on (SSO).
Detailed information about Shibboleth, s.a. functionality and technical background you may find on the web pages of the University Computer and Media Center (URMZ).


Registration for off-campus access is possible after calling up the respective electronic publication via the library catalogue (OPAC or Discovery), DBIS or EZB:

  1. When on the homepage of the publication selected, click on phrases such as “select your region or group”, “institution login” or “Shibboleth login”.
    Note: Always choose your institution first, do not log in directly via the log-in field displayed. Confirm your choice.
  2. Choose Erfurt University from the list of addresses (if applicable, select “German Higher Education and Research” or “Deutschland (DFN-AAI)”).
  3. On the next screen, enter your User-ID (= the log-in of the university given to you by the IT-Centre).
  4. Next, accept the terms and conditions for using Shibboleth. At first registration with a provider a notice on the data to be transferred (digital library card) is displayed which has to be accepted, too.
  5. After successful log-in, you will be able to use a number of electronic pblications from different providers without having to log in again. Only select Erfurt University.


By closing the internet browser (all windows !) you are automatically logged out after a maximum of 2 hours. Since you are not able to log yourself out you should not use Shibboleth at public PCs or in Internet Cafes. If this cannot be avoided, please delete your personal data:
Mozilla Firefox: "Strg" + "Shift-Taste" + "Entf"
Internet Explorer: "Strg" + "Shift-Taste" + "Entf"


Virtual private network (VPN)

Virtual private network (VPN)

The University of Erfurt provides its employees and students secure VPN access via the eduVPNservice and enables location-independent access to the university network. A secure, encrypted connection is established between the end device used and the university network, which makes the notebook or mobile end device technically part of the university network.  VPN enables access to the university network in its entirety. Repeated logins for different services or applications are not necessary.

The library's licensed electronic resources can generally be used via VPN in the same way as if you were on the university campus. However, the licence purchased must include remote access.

Further exceptions and special cases can be found on the page "Conditions of Use and Access".


Offer for access with Shibboleth

So far Shibboleth has been set up for the following products:
(Please note: the entire portfolio of a platform is not always available for the university. We recommend prior research in the library catalogue).


Off-campus access to MyJstorAccount
If you are using your personal MyJstorAccount, please first choose “Erfurt University” and log in with your user- ID from the university. After that you can use your MyJstorAccount as usual.



Information Services
Contact: Antje Boon
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / Servicetheke
Office hours
Please also note our

Technical problems

IT Service Desk
Service area
(University Computer and Media Centre)
C21 – Centre for Communication and Information / C21.00.11