FAQ - frequently asked questions

Questions about your stay

May I take my backpack into the reading room?

Backpacks, bags, umbrellas and other luggage may not be taken into the reading room area. There are cloakroom lockers and open storage compartments in the foyer, you can lock everything up here. Baskets and library bags are available for carrying own working materials, books and laptops.

Where can I leave my jacket?

There are lockers, open storage compartments and coat rack in the foyer, where you can put your jacket or coat if needed.

Can I take something to eat or drink with me?

Drinks - except alcohol - may be taken in closed bottles and mugs. Food is not permitted in the library area. Use the cafeteria for a relaxing break.

Can I take my dog into the library?

No, that's not possible. Animals will remain outside. Guide dogs and other assistance dogs are exempt.

Questions about borrowing

How can I register?

For registration at the issue desk please bring the following documents:

  • application form (PDF)
  • Erfurt University students: student ID thoska and identity card or passport
  • Erfurt University staff: staff ID thoska checklist personnel department, identity card or passport
  • all other applicants: identity card or passport together with official proof of address (Meldebestätigung) or residency permit; students and staff from other Thuringian universities: thoska card

Please notify the issue desk as soon as possible of changes of address.

Further information Anmeldung in der UB Erfurt

Can I register if I am not studying in Erfurt?

For registration at the issue desk please bring the following documents:

  • application form (PDF)
  • all other applicants: identity card or passport together with official proof of address (Meldebestätigung) or residency permit; students and staff from other Thuringian universities: thoska card

Please notify the issue desk as soon as possible of changes of address.

Further information Anmeldung in der UB Erfurt

How long can I borrow books?

The loan period for books and other media from the reading room, textbook collection and closed stacks is 28 days.
Books from the textbook collection can only be borrowed by members of the University of Erfurt.

How often can I renew?

The loan period can be renewed twice if the item

  • has not been reserved by another reader
  • your user account has not been blocked

If you need items for a longer time, please return them to the information desk for further borrowing.

I have already renewed my books twice and still need them. What can I do?

If you need items for a longer time, please return them to the information desk for further borrowing. You can also return the books at the self-checkout desk on the right side and borrow them there immediately.

Can I renew my books even if I have already received an overdue notice??

Before the the second or third overdue notice is sent, there is a period of ten days within which items can be returned or renewed at the issue desk. Overdue notices to students and staff are sent by e-mail only.

Can I also return my books by post?

A return by mail is possible adress

Please note that the date of receipt is the return date.


What happens if I exceed the loan period?

Overdue fees are charged if items are not returned in time:

  • 1st overdue notice: € 1,50 per item
  • 2nd overdue notice: € 2,50 per item in addition
  • 3rd overdue notice: € 4,00 per item in addition

Before the the second or third overdue notice is sent, there is a period of ten days within which items can be returned or renewed at the issue desk. Overdue notices to students and staff are sent by e-mail only.
Please pay fees at the self-service payment machines in the foyer of the library or in cash at the information desk.

What should I do if my personal data (e.g. address) have changed?

Please notify the issue desk as soon as possible of changes of address Servicezeiten

Further information Anmeldung


What should I do if I have lost my user card or thoska?

Please contact the information desk immediately if you miss your user card or thoska

How do I borrow media from the closed stacks?

Some media must be ordered from the closed stacks. Please use the request button on the online catalogueor in Discovery

You also need your library number and your password for ordering. Issues of daily newspapers of the last months can be ordered by loan slip. Media from the closed stacks in Erfurt are available on the next working day at the latest, media from the Gotha Research Library after 3 working days.

Media that can be borrowed are made available at the information desk, media for use in the library only are made available in the reading room on the 2nd floor or in the special reading room. Please always bring your user card or the thoska. Media are available for collection for 7 days.

How long does a request from the closed stacks take?

Closed stacks (Außenmagazin):

  • ready for collection on the next working day

Closed stacks (Magazin):

  • ready for collection after 3.5 hours maximum or on the following working day

Closed stacks (Special collections):

  • ready for collection on the following working day (by appointment for use in the special reading room, e-mail)

Media that can be borrowed are made available at the information desk, media for use in the library only are made available in the reading room on the 2nd floor or in the special reading room. Please always bring your user card or the thoska. Media are available for collection for 7 days.

Where can I return books when the issue desk is closed?

Media can be returned at the control desk or at the self check-out machine on the right if the issue desk is not open.

My library card is expiring or has expired. How can I renew it?

The validity of the library card can be extended at the issue desk. If you are not at the library at the moment, this is also possible at a later time.
If you would like to order books from the closed stacks in advance, we will open your user account for this purpose. In this case, please contact the issue desk by e-mail.

Note: The library card is not important for the use of electronic offers (journals, e-books, databases) from outside the campus of the University of Erfurt via Shibboleth. Access is possible for staff and students with the personal login of the University of Erfurt ("Uni account").

Questions about the user account

What is my password?

Your user card is password protected. The default password is your date of birth:

  • for registrations before 01.01.2013 : eight digits in the form DDMMYYYY
  • for registrations from 01.01.2013 : six digits in the form DDMMYYY

To avoid misuse, please change your password via your library account. Your new password should have at least four signs.

Further information Benutzerkonto

What is my password for interlibrary loan?

The default password for interlibrary loan is your date of birth:

  • for registrations before 01.01.2013 : eight digits in the form DDMMYYYY
  • for registrations from 01.01.2013 : six digits in the form DDMMYYY

Further information Benutzerkonto

Questions about interlibrary loan

How does interlibrary loan work?

Literature not  listed in the online catalogueor Discoveryand not available in other libraries in Erfurt can be requested by interlibrary loan.
In the Gemeinsame Verbundkatalog(GVK10plus) you can search for and order the required literature.

For interlibrary loans you need a user card from Erfurt University Library and an interlibrary loan account. Before you submit your first interlibrary request, please open an interlibrary loan account at issue desk. The minimum deposit is € 1.50 (fee for ordering 1 book or 20 pages of copies).

We will inform you by e-mail when your requests are ready to collect.

The lending library determines the restrictions on use and time limits. The loan period for books is usually 4 weeks. Please return borrowed media to the issue desk. Copies of articles remain in your possession. If you wish to renew the loan period, please contact the staff at the issue desk.

Further information Interlibrary loan

What is my password for interlibrary loan?

The default password for interlibrary loan is your date of birth:

  • for registrations before 01.01.2013 : eight digits in the form DDMMYYYY
  • for registrations from 01.01.2013 : six digits in the form DDMMYYY

Further information Benutzerkonto

How can I find out the status of my interlibrary loan request?

You can view the processing stage of interlibrary loans in your interlibrary loan user account. Click on "interlibrary loan account" in the upper screen bar in Gemeinsame Verbundkatalog (GVK10plus) and then enter your user number and password. The following screen will immediately display your orders. You can find out about the processing stage of each order by clicking on a title.

Further information Fernleihe

When submitting an interlibrary loan, the message "There is no library that can deliver the document" appears. What can I do?

If you cannot find the required literature in the interlibrary loan catalogues or an online interlibrary loan is not possible, please contact the information desk for further information or use the library's electronic form Interlibrary loan request

Further information Interlibrary loan

Questions about computing and IT services

Can I use the Internet if I am not a member of the university?

Even if you are not a member of the University of Erfurt, you can use all terminals in the library for research and academic work. Use the link "Automatic login for guests and external users" in the login window.  With this access, the use of the internet is possible in a limited form.

Wi-Fi at the University of Erfurt

Wi-Fi is available to all staff an students of the university. Members of other universities can use the Wi-Fi if their university participates in the Initative Education Roaming (eduroam). To register with the eduroam Wi-Fi you need a valid account with your university.

Further information Computers and Terminalsand Wi-Fi at the University of Erfurt

How much does it cost to copy/print?

A4, black and white: 0,04€
A4, colour: 0,08€

A3, black and white: 0,20€
A3, colour: 0,40€

Payment is by copy card or thoska or cash (one copier in the textbook collection).

Further information Kopieren und Drucken

Questions about the electronic offer

Can I use e-books and electronic journal of the library from home?

Staff and students of the University of Erfurt can use a variety of electronic resources (databases, journals or e-books) from off-campus, i.e. outside the university locations in Erfurt and Gotha. The technical procedures available are Shibboleth and VPN.
For access, you need a personal login from the University of Erfurt ("Uni account").

Questions on the use of manuscripts, early printed books and other valuable collections

How can I register for the use of manuscripts, early printed books?

To use the special reading room you need a valid library user cardThe use of manuscripts is only possible with advance notification, stating the scientific purpose. Students and doctoral candidates require a written reference from the university lecturer.

Further information Sonderlesesaal

Can I have reproductions made?

Reproductions from manuscripts, early printed books and other valuable holdings as well as scan and photo orders from the modern holdings can be ordered in writing. Please fill out the order form for reproduction servicesat Erfurt University Library(pdf) and, if applicable, the supplementary sheet for manuscripts(pdf) and send it to us by postor e-mail

Reproduction possibilities and costs incurred can be found in the list of costs, which is part of the library's regulationsfor use.

The library decides on the possibility and type of reproduction according to the conservational conditions of the original. The copyright for reproductions remains with the library.

Further information Sonderlesesaal


How much do reproductions cost?

The costs incurred shall be invoiced to the Client in accordance with the administrative cost schedule attached to these Regulations. Please refer to the list of costs, which is part of the regulations for use of the UB Erfurt.

Further information Repro-, Scan- und Fotodienst

Which catalogues do I have to use to research manuscripts and early printed books of the UB Erfurt?

Early printed books

A large part of the old prints are listed in the online catalogueor DiscoveryThe catalogue references of the 17th century printspublished in the German-speaking world (VD17) also contain illustrations of key pages. The printed works of the 16th and 18th century are currently being recorded online. In general, all old prints are listed in handwritten or card cataloguesThey can be consulted in the special reading room of the University Library.


The incunabula can be researched via the online catalogueor Discovery and can be viewed in the special reading room.

Erfurt manuscripts, Codices Erfordenses

Among the Codices Erfordenses there are 28 medieval manuscripts, which are listed online in a catalogue published in 2005.  The modern Codices Erfordenses are listed in a handwritten catalogueThe manuscripts can be used by appointment in the special reading room of the University Library.

Music manuscripts

The music manuscripts of Erfurt University Library are listed in the Répertoire International des Sources Musicales(RISM) (Bibliothekssigel D-EFU).

Further information Spezialkataloge

How can I use manuscripts and early printed books?

Manuscripts, incunabula and early printed books are subject to special conditions of use for conservation reasons.

They are made available in the special reading room on the 2nd floor. Certain stock groups and individual items may be subject to restrictions on use for conservation, legal or other reasons. If necessary, reproductions are to be used. Reference literature on the historical holdings is listed in the Special Reading Room as reference holdings according to the Regensburger Verbundklassifikation.

Further information Sonderlesessal

When are the ordered manuscripts and early printed books available?

Ordered manuscripts and early printed books are made available in the special reading room on the 2nd floor. For orders from these catalogues, please fill in loan slips, which will be available on site.

The ordered stocks are made available within the opening hourson the following working day (by appointment for use in the special reading room, e-mail).

Further Questions?

Ask us!


Information Services
Contact: Antje Boon
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / Servicetheke
Office hours
Please also note our
Lending Services
Contact: Katharina Hartisch
(Erfurt University Library)
C16 – library / Servicetheke
Office hours
Please also note our