Dr. Zeynep Gülşah Çapan


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät)


C03 – Lehrgebäude 1 / C03.00.36


Montag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Dienstag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr

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Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
C03 – Lehrgebäude 1
Hieranaplatz 1
99089 Erfurt


Universität Erfurt
Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Studienfachberaterin Bachelor Internationale Beziehungen (Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät)


C03 – Lehrgebäude 1 / Raum 0036


Montag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Dienstag 13:00 - 14:00 Uhr

Bitte senden Sie vorab eine E-Mail, in der Sie Ihr Anliegen kurz skizzieren.


Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
C03 – Lehrgebäude 1
Hieranaplatz 1
99089 Erfurt


Universität Erfurt
Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Short bio

Zeynep Gülşah Çapan completed her PhD at the University of Erfurt. She was a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Department of International Relations at Bilkent University. She has taught BA and MA level courses in Istanbul Bilgi University, Marmara University and Erfurt University.

Her research agenda focuses on Eurocentrism in the field of IR, sociology and historiography of international relations as well as postcolonial and decolonial thought.


If I have been assigned as your mentor, you are welcome to use the office hours to discuss matters related to your studies.

If you are interested in writing your Bachelor's thesis in International Relations with me, please read on here.



(Under Contract) (edited book) The Politics of Translation: International Relations and the Making of Global Order. Palgrave MacMillan (with Filipe dos Reis and Maj Grasten).

(2016) Re-Writing International Relations: History and Theory Beyond Eurocentrism in Turkey. New York & London: Rowman & Littlefield International. Part of the series ‘Global Dialogues: Developing Non-Eurocentric IR and IPE’, edited by John Hobson and L.H.M. Ling.

--> reviewed by: Fonseca, Melody (2019) ‘Global IR and Western Dominance: Moving Forward or Eurocentric Entrapment?’, Millennium, DOI: <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0305829819872817>.


Peer Reviewed Articles

(Under Review for Special Issue) ‘Debating the ‘International’: Turkey and the Origin(s) of the Discipline’, Review of International Studies (with Ozge Onursal).

(Conditional Acceptance) ‘Beyond Visible Entanglements: Connected Histories of the International’, International Studies Review.

(2019 Online First) ‘Turkey’s Ambivalent Self: Ontological Insecurity in Kemalism vs. Erdoğan’s Populism’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs (with Ayşe Zarakol), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09557571.2019.1589419.

(2017) ‘Writing International Relations from the Other Side of the Abyssal Line’, Review of International Studies 43(4): 602-611.

(2017) ‘Enacting Internationals/Reproducing Eurocentrism’, Contexto International 39 (3): 655-672.

(2017) ‘Decolonizing International Relations?’, Third World Quarterly 38(1): 1-15.

(2015) ‘In Search of Europe’ [Avrupa’yi Ararken], Marmara Journal of European Studies Vol.2 [in Turkish].


Book Chapters

(2020 Forthcoming) ‘Global Histories of the International’, in Benjamin de Carvalho, Julia Costa Lopez and Halvard Leira (eds) Routledge Handbook of Historical International Relations. London: Routledge (with Filipe dos Reis and Maj Grasten).

(2019) ‘Imagining Empire: Cartography and Settlement Politics in Late 19th Century Germany’, in Luis Lobo-Guerero, Suvi Alt and Maarten Meijer (eds) Imaginaries of Connectivity and the Creation of Novel Spaces of Governance. London: Rowman and Littlefeld (with Filipe dos Reis).

(2018) ‘Between ‘East’ and ‘West’: Travelling Theories, Travelling Imaginations’, in Gofas, Andreas, Inanna Hamati-Ataya and Nicholas Onuf (eds.) The Sage Handboook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations. London: Sage (with Ayşe Zarakol).

(2017) ‘Stories of IR: Turkey and the Cold War’, in Bilgin, Pınar and L.H.M Ling (eds.) Decolonizing Asia: Unlearning Colonial/Imperial Power Relations. London and New York: Routledge.

(2017) ‘Postcolonial Colonialism: The Case of Turkey’, in Epstein, Charlotte (ed.) Against International Relations Norms. London and New York: Routledge (with Ayşe Zarakol).


Book Reviews

(Forthcoming) ‘Review: Begum Adalet. Hotels and Highways. E-IR.

(2019) ‘Review: Hamid Dabashi. Can Non-Europeans Think?’Politics, Religion and Ideology.

(2017) ‘Review: Aisha M. Beliso-de Jesús, Electric Santeria: Racial and Sexual Assemblages of Transnational Religion’, Sociology 51(1): 187-88.

(2015) ‘Review: Sovereignty as Symbolic Form by Jens Bartelson’, Global Affairs 1(2): 227-228.



(2019) ‘Encounters with Theory: (Un)Learning Ways of Knowing’, Convivial Thinkinghttps://www.convivialthinking.org/index.php/2019/04/26/how-do-we-know-the-world-series-encounters-with-theory-unlearning-ways-of-knowing/.

(2019) ‘International Women’s Days Interviews’, E-International Relationshttps://www.e-ir.info/2019/03/08/international-womens-day-interviews/.

(2019) ‘Interview – Zeynep Gulsah Capan’, E-International Relations, https://www.e-ir.info/2019/01/30/interview-zeynep-gulsah-capan/.

(2019) ‘International Relations and the Human: A Commentary’, E-International Relations, https://www.e-ir.info/2019/01/20/international-relations-and-the-human-a-commentary/ (with Siba Grovogui, Amy Niang and Giulianna Zambrano).

(2018) ‘Global Histories in International Relations’, E-International Relations, https://www.e-ir.info/2018/07/22/global-histories-in-international-relations/ (with Filipe dos Reis and Maj Grasten).

(2018) ‘Eurocentrism and the Construction of the ‘Non-West’, E-International Relations, https://www.e-ir.info/2018/06/19/eurocentrism-and-the-construction-of-the-non-west/.

(2016) ‘Gloria Anzaldua’, entry for Global Social Theory dictionary: http://globalsocialtheory.org/thinkers/anzaldua-gloria-evangelina/.

(2015) 'Ngugi wa Thiong’o', entry for Global Social Theory dictionary: http://globalsocialtheory.org/thinkers/wa-thiongo-ngugi/.

(2015) ‘The European Gaze and the EISA Asylum Seekers Campaign’ (with Ayse Zarakol), The Disorder of Things, https://thedisorderofthings.com/2015/09/17/the-european-gaze-and-the-eisa-asylum-seekers-campaign/ [reprinted in Turkish in Birikim Dergisi blog, http://www.birikimdergisi.com/guncel-yazilar/1262/avrupanin-multeci-krizine-bakisi-bir-akademik-tartisma-ornegi - .V3QzPlccNoA].

Research interests

Foci of attention

Critical Theories of International Relations
History of International Relations,
History and Sociology of IR,
Historiography, Postcolonial and Decolonial Thought

Teaching profile

Foci of interests

Postcolonial and Decolonial Thought
Race and Racism in International Relations
Gender and Sexualities in International Relations



PhD in International Relations, Department of International Relations, University of Erfurt, Germany


2017 – Present
Lecturer (Fixed-Term), Department of International Relations, University of Erfurt

2016 – 2017
Lecturer (Fixed-Term), Department of International Relations, Istanbul Bilgi University

Visiting Fellowships

2016 – 2017
Visiting Scholar, Department of International Relations, Cambridge University, UK

Visiting Scholar, Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

2015 – 2016
Post-Doc, Department of International Relations, Bilkent University (funded by competitively awarded TÜBİTAK [The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey] Post-Doctoral Research Grant with Prof. Pınar Bilgin)

Administrative Experience/ Service to the Discipline

Committee Member for the Historical International Relations section of ISA
Board Member for CEEISA (Central and Eastern European International Studies Association

Section Chair for the ‘Historical International Relations’ section, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Prague, the Czech Republic (with Julia Costa Lopez).
Convenor of the ‘Global Histories’ Workshop for European Workshops in International Studies, Groningen, the Netherlands (with Filipe dos Reis).

Convenor of the EISA Exploratory Symposia ‘Law, Empire and Global Political Economy’, Rapallo, Italy.
Section Chair for the ‘Reconstructing Global Histories of the International’ section, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona (with Maj Grasten and Filipe Dos Reis).
Convenor of the ‘Global Conversations’ Workshop, WISC International Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (with Pınar Bilgin, Karin Fierke and Vivienne Jabri).
Section Chair for ‘Histories and Sociologies of IR: The Postcolonial Challenge’ , WISC International Studies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (Pınar Bilgin and Vivienne Jabri).
Workshop organiser for ‘Historicising Concepts? On the use and function of concepts in the social sciences’ workshop, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey (with Filipe dos Reis).

Convenor of the EISA Exploratory Symposia ‘The Politics of Translation in IR’, Rapallo, Italy.
Convenor of the ‘Politics of Translation’ Workshop for European Workshops in International Studies, Tubingen, Germany (with Maj Grasten and Filipe dos Reis).

Section Chair for the ‘Construction(s) of the Field of IR’, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Sicily, Italy (with Pınar Bilgin).

Assistant to the ISA 2015 Program Chairs, Pınar Bilgin and L.H.M Ling.

Invited Talks and Roundtable Appearances

Roundtable on ‘Speculative Fiction and Theorizing’, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 11-14 September, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Talk: ‘Intersectionality’, 3 April, presentation at Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.

Talk: ‘Feminism and Intersectionality’, 12 December, presentation at University of Erfurt for Amnesty International Erfurt.
Roundtable on ‘Imaginations of Empire’, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 12-15 September, Prague, the Czech Republic.
Roundtable on Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 12-15 September, Prague, the Czech Republic.
Roundtable on ‘Conceptualizing the International’, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 12-15 September, Prague, the Czech Republic.
Roundtable on ‘Ursula Le Guin and Dialectics of Hope, Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 12-15 September, Prague, the Czech Republic.
Plenary Roundtable on ‘The Return of Politics to International Relations’, 6 June, European Workshops in International Relations, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Talk: ‘Eurocentrism and Connected Histories of the International’, 26 April, presentation at Universite Catholique de Lille, France.

Invited Workshops

‘Conceptualizing the International’, Global Rise of the International Workshop, 21 May, London School of Economics.
Critical Academic Perspectives on Scholarship in the social sciences – How do we ‘know’ the world’, 17 January, Convivial Thinking, Bonn, ‘Encounters with Theory: (Un)Learning Ways of Knowing’.
Ethics and Decolonization Research Seminar, 11 January, University of Leicester, UK: ‘Unwritable Pasts Written: Sociogeny and Poetics of the Past’.

EISA Exploratory Symposia, 2-5 November, Rapallo, Italy. ‘Imperial Formations and Transformation of the International’.
WISC ECR Workshop, 10-11 September, Prague, the Czech Republic: ‘Connected Histories of the International’.
Doing IR Differently Workshop, 20-24 July, Universidad San Francisco de Quito GAIAS campus, San Cristóbal, Galápagos, Ecuador: ‘Constituting Difference, Constitutive Difference’.
‘Eastern-Europe/Global Area’ Workshop, 3-5 July, University of Leipzig: ‘Transformations of the International: Geopolitics, Colonialism and the Making of Germany’ (with Filipe dos Reis, Matthieu Hughes and Oliver Kessler).
‘Ontological Security and Populism’ Workshop, 9-10 April, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA.
‘Turkey’s Ambivalent Self: Ontological Insecurity in Kemalism vs. Erdoğan’s Populism’ (with Ayşe Zarakol).

Conference papers

EISA Conference, 11-14 September, Sofia, Bulgaria, ‘Being Known and Becoming Knowable’.
ISA Conference, 27 March – 31 March, Toronto, Canada, ‘Connected Histories of the International’ and ‘Nationality Decrees and the Permanent Court of International Justice: Empire and International Law in the 1920s’ (with Filipe dos Reis).

Millennium Annual Conference, 27-28 October, London School of Economics, UK, ‘Narratives of the Haitian Revolution and Ecrire d’ailluers’.
Pan-European Conference on International Relations, 12-15 September, Prague, the Czech Republic, ‘Imagining Empire: Cartography and Colonialism in Nineteenth Century Germany’ (with Filipe dos Reis) and ‘What, How and Who of History in IR’ (with Maj Grasten).
ISA-FLACSO Conference, 25-27 July, Quito, Ecuador, ‘Constitutive Difference and Constituting Difference’.
ISA Annual Convention, 4-7 April, San Francisco, USA, ‘Being Human and the Story of the International’, ‘Being Known and Becoming Knowable’ and ‘Imagining Empire: Cartography and Colonialism in Nineteenth Century Germany’ (co-authored with Filipe dos Reis).

Referee Work

Millennium: Journal of International Relations (x3)
New Perspectives (x2)
Journal of Global Security Studies (x2)
European Journal of International Relations (x2)
International Political Sociology
International Studies Quarterly
Uluslararasi Iliskiler

Professional Memberships

2013 – present: Member of European International Studies Association
2014 – present: Member of International Studies Association
2016 – present: Member of Central East European International Studies Association


Turkish (native)
English (fluent)
French (very good)
Spanish (very good)