
Top Risks 2025

A conversation with Eurasia Group‘s Henning Gloystein & Amund Vik


Organisation Abschlussarbeiten im Bachelorstudiengang Internationale Beziehungen

Sie studieren den BA Internationale Beziehungen und möchten Ihre Abschlussarbeit (BA Thesis) an der Professur für Internationale Beziehungen oder dem Arbeitsbereich Internationale Politik schreiben?


Skills Hub für Stawi-Studis

Spannende Neuigkeiten für alle Studierenden der Stawi!


PhD course: GLOBE Summer School in International Relations

The GLOBE summer school in International Relations, taking place 29 May - 2 June 2023 in Norway.


The International Orders Research Unit

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kessler in das International Advisory Board der International Orders Research Unit an der LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science berufen


Course Announcement: Postcolonial approaches and the politics of anti-colonial critique - thinkers, concepts and implications for understanding the modern international

This seminar will introduce students to key thinkers (Fanon, Cabral, Said, Subaltern Studies Group) and basic concepts of postcolonial theory and anti-colonial political thought (Eurocentrism, Imperialism, modernity, history, class, race, nation).…


New Partner University

We’re happy to announce the future collaboration between the University of Erfurt and the Catholic University of Vendée (ICES).


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