Dr. Fabian Kleine
fabian.kleine@uni-erfurt.deWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Professur für Quantitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung (Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Mittwoch, 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
nur mit vorheriger Anmeldung per E-Mail
Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
C03 – Lehrgebäude 1
Hieranaplatz 1
99089 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Curriculum Vitae
Current Positions
Managing Director of the eLab (Experimental Economics Laboratory of the University of Erfurt) (since 2013)
Research Assistant and Lecturer, Chair of Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Sciences (since 2012)
Previous Positions
Research Associate, Chair of Applied Microeconomics, University of Erfurt (2008-2012)
Student Research Assistant, Chair of Microeconomics, University of Jena (2006-2007)
Dr. (rer. pol.) in Economics, University of Erfurt 2012
Diplom Volkswirt at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena 2007
High School: Gymnasium Bergschule, Apolda 2000
Voluntary Leadership and Asymmetric Endowments in the Investment Game, together with Manfred Königstein and Balazs Rozsnyoi, Games (2018)
Voluntary Leadership in an Experimental Trust Game, together with Manfred Königstein and Balazs Rozsnyoi, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2014)
Heterogeneous Agents, Incentives and Group Performance together with Manfred Königstein, Gabriele Lünser and Balazs Rozsnyoi
- Econometrics
- Statistics
- Stochastic Game Theory
- Agent based Simulation Models
- Utility Theory
- Experimental Economics
derzeitige Forschungsprojekte
Simulation of Scientific Research Systems (together with Cornelis Betsch, Robert Böhm, Frank Renkewitz and Wasilios Hariskos)
Quantal Response Equilibria for Public Goods Games (together with Robert Böhm, Wasilios Hariskos and Manfred Königstein)
Statistics (2019)
Multivarite Statistics (2019)
Econometrics IV - IV, SEM and Panel Estimation (since 2017)
Baysian Statistics (together with Frank Renkewitz)
Game Theory
Monte Carlo Simulations in Social Science (together with Frank Renkewitz)
Econometrics I - Ordinary Least Squares Estimation (since 2015)
Econometrics II - Introduction to Times Series (since 2013)
Econometrics III - Discrete Choice Models (since 2015)
Econometrics IV - Advanced Probability Theory and Applications in Statistics and Econometrics (since 2014)
Preliminary Course Mathematics for Economists (since 2009)
Mathematics II (since 2010)
Introduction to Logic and Philosophy of Science (2012 to 2014)
Econometrics II (Master) (2013)
Introductory Mathematics for Economists (2011/12)
- Econometrics I
- Econometrics II (Bachelor) (since 2013)
- Statistics (since 2012)
- Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research (since 2012)
- Mathematics II (since 2010)
- Introductory Mathematics (from 2008 to 2012)
- Microeconomics (2009/10 and 2010/11)
- Strategic Interaction in Social Dilemmas (2012/13 and 2013/14)
- Data Analysis with EXCEL and SPSS (2013)
- Personnel Economics (with Prof. Dr. M. Königstein)
- Labour Economics (with Prof. Dr. M. Königstein)
- Experimental Economics (with Prof. Dr. M. Königstein)