Herzog-Ernst-Stipendiaten 2025
Aktuelle Herzog-Ernst-Stipendiat*innen
Elizabeth Carleton (University of California, in Gotha FZG)
Perfecting Galilieo: Collaborations Between Artist and Astronomer in 17th-Century Europe
Sophia Feist (University of Cambridge, in Gotha FZG)
Tailoring Politics: Liveries and Courtly Competition in the Holy Roman Empire, 1470-1550
Daniel Haas (Universität Hamburg, in Gotha FZG)
Die Gothaer Orient-Aktivitäten als Vorbild und Wissensressource der hallisch-pietistischen "Fürsorge für die alte orientalische Christenheit" im 18. Jahrhundert
Ioan-Alexandru Liciu (University of Bucharest, in Gotha FKTS/SP)
The Early Modern Science of Petrification, locality, and the Gotha region (ca. 1650-1700)
Melinda Michel (Universität Bonn, in Gotha FZG)
Untersuchung der medizinischen Sammelhandschriften Johanns von Sachsen im Kontext humanistischer Wissensnetzwerke
Charlotte Prauß (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, in Gotha FKTS/SP)
Wissen unterwegs - oder: Wie Wissen an die Universität Göttingen kam (1880 bis in die 1930er Jahre)
Illia Rudyk (University of Wroclaw, in Gotha FZG)
The Kyivan Metropolitanate and the Eastern Churches, Perception of Easternpatriarchates by the Orthodox elite of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th-17th centuries
Tobias Wagemann (Ecole normale supérieure (ENS-PSL), in Gotha FKTS/SP))
Colonial Policing in the Pacific Ocean : A Comparative Study of British and German New Guinea (1884-1921)
Dr. Gebreyesus Teklu Bahta (Mekele University, in Gotha FKTS/SP)
Geopolitics and border disputes in Northern Ethiopia and Southern Eriteria
Dr. Teferi Mekonnen Bekele (Addis Ababa University, in Gotha FKTS/SP)
A Historical Analysis of Changes in the Northern Ethiopian Enviroment: Tracing the Evolution of Deforestation and Desertification using Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Gotha Historical Maps
Dr. Marcello Cattaneo (Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, in Gotha FZG)
Beyond "Christian Kabbalah": Jewish "mysteria" and Protestant theologies around the turn of the 18th century
Dr. Dramane Kone (Universität Alassane Ouattara, in Gotha FZG)
Märchenmotive und Machtkonzepte im Deutschland des 18. Jahrhunderts
Dr. Filippo Marchetti (University of Pisa, in Gotha FZG)
Giordano Bruno's manuscripts in the German Enlightenment
Dr. Martin Schneider (Universität Hamburg, in Gotha FZG)
Höfische Theaterpolitik im Zeichen des Kulturtransfers. Das Gothaer Hoftheater 1775-1779
Dr. Wenrui Zhao (Cornell University, in Gotha FZG)
Mining and Medicine between Central Europe and West Sumatra, 1650-1750