For borrowing books and other media please register in person at the information desk during service hours. Registration is free of charge.
The application form can be filled in and signed in advance. You also need your identity card or passport and students of Erfurt University in addition their student identity card (thoska).
For students and staff of Erfurt University the thoska is validated as library card after registration at the information desk. All other users receive a personal library card. You can now borrow, renew and request books and other media and check your user’s account on the online-catalogue or search portal Discovery.
Our self-service issue-desks are operating during all opening hours of the library.
Items requested from the closed stacks via the online-catalogue or the search portal Discovery are available within a few hours or on the next working day.
The lending period for books and other media is 4 weeks. Volumes with a red sticker, journals, newspapers and course collections (Semesterapparate) are not for loan.
Lending periods can be renewed twice on the user account or by telephone. Students of Erfurt University are sent a reminder by e-mail two days before the lending period expires.
Overdue fees are charged on the next working day after the lending period has expired.
Books on loan can be reserved on the online-catalogue or the search portal Discovery.