
Step-by-step instruction

Android 7 or earlier

  1. Download the eduroam CAT App via Google Play Store (this cannot be downloaded via the guest Wi-Fi! Please use your mobile data.)
  2. Connect your device to the Wi-Fi "gast-ue". (only connect, but do not log in!) 
  3. Go to the page: 
  4. This page automatically detects your operating system and offers you a file to download
  5. After downloading, open the file with the eduroam CAT app and install the profile there
  6. Under Installation enter your username and password and go to Install to complete the setup
  7. After the eduroam profile has been successfully installed, please try to connect to eduroam

Android 8 or later

  1. Download the geteduroam-App via Google Play Store (this cannot be downloaded via the guest Wi-Fi! Please use your mobile data.)
  2. Launch the app
  3. Select University of Erfurt as your organization (just search for Erfurt) and go to next
  4. In the next window, enter your login data for your university account and click on "Connect to network"
  5. After that click OK - the app should close and you are connected to eduroam

Notice: use of eduroam after December 2021

Due to the deactivation of TLS 1.0/1.1 (deprecated since March 2021) only Android 5 or later are capabel to connect to eduroam.


IT Service Desk
Service area
(University Computer and Media Centre)
C21 - Centre for Communication and Information (KIZ) / Room 0.11