The University of Erfurt is a member of the Initative Education Roaming (eduroam) and thus offers its employees and students free Internet access. External users whose home institution is also a member of the eduroam network can use eduroam with the configuration and login data of their institution.
quick start guide
- You have changed your initial password of your user account (you can change it via the user portal )!
- Connect your device to the Wi-Fi "gast-ue" (only connect but do not log in!)
- Open a browser (like Safari or Google Chrome) and go to the page
- Then follow the instructions on the page!
Android users need an additional app. You can find more information here instruction Android(you can't download the app from the Wi-Fi "gast-ue") Apple devices doesn't need an app!
If your university uses easyroam for authentication, you will find the relevant instructions for setting up your operating system here. DFN Wiki
guest access
Everyone can connect their device to the Wi-Fi "gast-ue". If you do not have a guest account, you can only access websites of the domain!
Guest access is only intended for users who are not part of the eduroam network and who have a legitimate interest in using it (e.g. guest researchers without eduroam-login, external lecturers, conference visitors without eduroam-login).
The user data must be requested via e-mail URMZ
When calling any internet page that does not have https in the address bar, the user is redirected to the login page of the guest access. Only after entering the user the internet is usable.
The security of the guest access is much lower compared to the eduroam access. Therefore please take care to enter sensitive data (e.g. passwords) only via an encrypted connection of the application (like websites with https).
Notice: use of eduroam after December 2021
Due to the deactivation of TLS 1.0/1.1 (deprecated since March 2021) only the following operating systems are capabel to connect to eduroam:
- Windows 10 or later
- macOS 10.14 or later
- iOS 11 or later
- iPadOS 13.1 or later
- Android 5.0 or later
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS/Debian 10 or later (and other Ubuntu/Debian-based distributions)