Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE)

Syracuse University, University of Texas at Austin and University of Oklahoma
Foto: Scott Stroud

The Summer Program in Communications Erfurt (SPICE) is a unique German-American undergraduate summer program in the field of communication studies initiated in 2005 by Prof. Dr. Patrick Rössler at the University of Erfurt, Germany. The official partnership with three US-American universities (Syracuse University, University of Texas at Austin and University of Oklahoma) serves as a strong foundation to give American students the opportunity to gain credits during their summer break, enjoy cultural exchange and expand their academic and personal networks. Two intensive 4-week courses are taught in English by faculty of our partner universities focusing on state-of-the art issues in the field of communication studies.

Complementing the academic program taking place at the University of Erfurt campus, students participate in a four-day trip to Berlin with visits of media and public relations institutions and companies to gain deeper insights into the media landscape of Germany. A cultural and recreational program in and around Erfurt is organized for the students. 

German communication students participate in the SPICE courses as elective courses and benefit from the outstanding scholarly expertise of our lecturers and the intercultural learning experience in the classroom.

SPICE 2022