War in Ukraine – Help for Scholars
Short link for sharing this website: https://uni-erfurt.de/go/war-in-ukraine-help-for-scholars
- In cooperation with the Ukraine Initiative of the University of Erfurt and the Universitätsgesellschaft Erfurt e.V., we are launching the lecture series Ukrainian Research online (LINK) to provide visibility for our Ukrainian colleagues and their work. The lecturers still in the Ukraine receive an honorarium of € 250, financed by donations to the University Society. Currently, all slots of the lecture are filled, but please come back for another CfA in the near future.
- Donations can still be made to the account of the University Society Erfurt at the VR-Bank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden eG, keyword "Ukraine": IBAN: DE30 8409 4754 0003 6860 00 / BIC: GENODEF1SAL. If you need a donation receipt, please email your name, address and the amount of your donation to: geschaeftsstelle@unigesellschaft-erfurt.de. // Spenden können auch weiterhin unter dem Stichwort „Ukraine“ auf das Konto der Universitätsgesellschaft Erfurt bei der VR-Bank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden eG: IBAN: DE30 8409 4754 0003 6860 00 / BIC: GENODEF1SAL eingezahlt werden. Falls Sie eine Spendenquittung benötigen, mailen Sie bitte Ihren Namen, Ihre Anschrift und die Höhe Ihrer Spende an: geschaeftsstelle@unigesellschaft-erfurt.de
This is an open list with links to funding, scholarships etc. for hosting and supporting refugee scholars. It is provided in cooperation with Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) and will be regularly updated by Karin Reichenbach (GWZO) and Bernhard Kleeberg (UE). For further details on the individual initiatives and programmes, please refer to the contact people of the listed organisations/institutions.
- DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The Walter Benjamin Programme as well as additional funding / integration into ongoing funding for DFG projects of all kinds (also GK, SFB): https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/antrag_gutachter_gremien/gefluechtete_forschende/
- Volkswagen-Stiftung. Funding for refugee scholars and scientists from Ukraine: https://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/en/funding/our-funding-portfolio-at-a-glance/funding-for-refugee-scholars-and-scientists-from-ukraine
- Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung. Philipp-Schwartz-Initiative: https://www.humboldt-foundation.de/bewerben/foerderprogramme/philipp-schwartz-initiative
- DAAD German Academic Exchange Service. Students at Risk: Hilde Domin-Programm. For students and PhD students: https://www.daad.de/de/studieren-und-forschen-in-deutschland/stipendien-finden/hilde-domin-programm/ update https://www.daad.de/en/the-daad/ukraine-announcements/
- DAAD German Academic Exchange Service. National Academic Contact Point Ukraine: https://www.daad-ukraine.org/en/
- Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. The Max Planck Society offers support for Ukrainian scientists via its research fellowship and stipend program, see mpg.de for the general announcement. - lacking further information
- The Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History, based in Rome, Italy, offers #ScienceForUkraine Art History Fellowships: https://www.biblhertz.it/3218298/Ukraine
- Albert Einstein Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI): https://services.unhcr.org/opportunities/education-opportunities/albert-einstein-academic-refugee-initiative-dafi
- Academy in Exile: https://www.academy-in-exile.eu/
- DBU Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt. Special MOE Fellowships programme for Ukrainian graduates on environmental and nature conservation topics: https://www.dbu.de/3044.html
- Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. Studienwerk der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, scholarships for refugee students: Informationen für Geflüchtete
- Ernst von Siemens Kunststiftung. For public museums and collections employing refugee scholars from Ukraine, or for Russian scholars who had to leave Russia due to their opposition to the Ukraine war: https://www.ernst-von-siemens-kunststiftung.de/ukraine-f%C3%B6rderlinie.html
- Gerda-Henkel-Stiftung. The Gerda Henkel Foundation is now more strongly reaching out to past and current grant holder as regards individual scholarships for scholars who are at risk or who had been forced to flee. They can themselves get assistance or can recommend support for other persons employed at Ukrainian universities. Contact for funding/grants Dr. Birte Ruhardt E-Mail: ruhardt@gerda-henkel-stiftung.de https://www.gerda-henkel-stiftung.de/pressemitteilung?page_id=123908#top
- GWZO - Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe: scholarships up to 6 months can be awarded to Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian scientists at short notice: https://www.leibniz-gwzo.de/sites/default/files/dateien/Stipendienprogramm_GWZO_Sonderprogramm%20Ukraine_04.04.2022.pdf
- German Historical Institute Paris. Mobility scholarships for history postgraduates and researchers from Ukraine: https://www.dhi-paris.fr/fr/newsroom/page-detaillee/news/detail/News/appel-a-candidatures-bourses-de-mobilite-pour-historiens-et-historiennes-venant-dukraine.html
- Leibniz-Institute for Educational Media. Different fellowship programmes to support Ukraine and persecuted Russian researchers: www.gei.de/en/fellowships.html
- DAI German Archaeological Institute. Short-term fellowships for young scholars, specifically to support at-risk colleagues from Ukraine to conduct research at one of the DAI sites in Germany or abroad: https://www.dainst.org/karriere/stipendien/termine-und-ausschreibungen
- Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Young Researcher Internship Program open to applicants from Ukraine (prioritized screening efforts): https://jobs.cispa.saarland/de_DE/jobs/detail/young-researcher-internship-program-2#scrollTop=0
- Association of German Art Historians. See the list of institutional contacts at the bottom: https://kunsthistoriker.org/meldungen/scholars-at-risk/
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. Applicant portal for researchers from Ukraine, mainly for Phd students and postdocs working in the research fields of the HZDR - energy, health and matter: https://www.hzdr.de/db/!BewUkraine
- Leibniz Insitute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow offers short-term fellowships for Ukrainian researchers of Jewish Studies/History for up to 3 months, and to host Ukrainian researchers with support by Volkswagenstiftung; Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Philipp Schwartz-Initiative; DFG: Walter-Benjamin-Programm: https://www.dubnow.de/ausschreibung/science-for-ukraine
- Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut. The KHI offers its support to art historians, heritage scholars and professionals at risk. We can provide fellowships, also on a non-residential basis, adaptable to individual situations. Please contact us at: sahar@khi.fi.itor use the established networks of collaboration: https://www.khi.fi.it/en/aktuelles/support-to-ukrainian-scholars-and-concern-about-the-destruction-of-ukrainian-cultural-heritage.php
- Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ – special fellowship program is an offer for refugees from Ukraine: https://mathplus.de/news/math-support-for-mathematicians-from-ukraine/
- Max Planck Institutes for Biological Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems. CaCTüS Computation and Cognition Tübingen Summer Internship for students at the Bachelor or Master level (paid three-months internships during the summer of 2022). https://www.projects.tuebingen.mpg.de/
- Baden‐Württemberg.
- Baden-Württemberg Fund for Persecuted Scholars: https://mailchi.mp/iie/iie-srf-beacon-february-2022?e=d51a244ee8#BWF
- Vector Stiftung: Funding for Ukrainian scholars at universities and research facilities in Baden-Württemberg: https://vector-stiftung.de/soforthilfe-fuer-gefluechtete-ukrainische-wissenschaftlerinnen/
- Bremen. Bremen Fellowship programme for at-risk scholars: https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/research/support-for-researchers/calls/fellowship-programme-for-at-risk-scholars/
- Hamburg. Science Bridge for Ukraine (in the making by Hamburg Science and Research institutions and Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke) https://hias-hamburg.de/wissenschaftsbruecke-fuer-die-ukraine/
- Hessen. HessenFonds - Expansion of the HessenFonds scholarship programme for persecuted scientists in Hessen: https://wissenschaft.hessen.de/presse/hessen-und-seine-hochschulen-unterstuetzen-studierende-und-forschende-aus-der-ukraine
- Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. Encourages Students from Ukraine to Apply for the Master's Program International Business and Finance: https://www.hs-augsburg.de/en/Business/Augsburg-University-of-Applied-Sciences-Encourages-Students-from-Ukraine-to-Apply-for-the-Master-s-Program-International-Business-and-Finance.html
- Bayreuth University. Bridge Funding for Researchers at Risk from Ukraine for Fellowships enabling to establish a connection to relevant research groups at the University of Bayreuth and explore further funding options from this safe location. https://www.uni-bayreuth.de/en/bayreuth-bridge
- HU Berlin.
- Short-term (6 months) Fellowship for Displaced and At-Risk Scholars in the field of „Socialist Medicine: an Alternative Global Health History” (https://erc.easme-web.eu/?p=949639#). Contact: Prof. Dora Vargha: https://www.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/en/bereiche-und-lehrstuehle-en/wissenschaftsgeschichte-en/faculty/1693871
- Bochum Ruhr University Center for Religious Studies (CERES). Research stays and visiting professorships of up to six months: https://ceres.rub.de/en/news/forderprogramm-fur-ukrainische-wissenschaftlerinnen/
- Ruhr University Bochum and TU Dortmund University - Cluster of Excellence RESOLV (Ruhr Explores Solvation) offer 6-month scholarship for all career levels
https://www.solvation.de/fileadmin/content/03_career/RESOLV_Ukraine.pdf - Bremen University: 1. Scholars at Risk programm: https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/research/support-for-researchers/calls/fellowship-programme-for-at-risk-scholars/
- Dortmund Technical University. Researchers of all qualification levels who have conducted research in Ukraine so far are invited to apply as visiting scholars
https://international.tu-dortmund.de/en/international-researchers/informationen-fuer-ukrainische-und-russische-forschende/ - Düsseldorf University. Emergency programme for scientists at risk from Ukraine: https://www.hhu.de/internationales/internationale-forschende/programme-fuer-gefaehrdete-wissenschaftlerinnen _ research scholarships for Ukrainian scholars (form only in German): https://www.hhu.de/fileadmin/redaktion/HERA/Dokumente/JUNO-International/Ukraine/DE_UkraineStipendien_Ausschreibung.pdf
- Erfurt University. The "Religion and Urbanity" research group at the Max Weber Kolleg of the University of Erfurt is offering a nine-month fellowship for refugee postdocs who have previously worked at a university in Ukraine: https://www.uni-erfurt.de/en/max-weber-kolleg/kolleg/recent-news/news/news-detail/kollegforschungsgruppe-lobt-fellowship-fuer-ukrainische-post-docs-aus
- Hamburg University. Hamburg Programme for Scholars at Risk (HPSAR) – funding program for Ukrainian researchers at acute risk in preparation: https://www.uni-hamburg.de/en/internationales/mitarbeitende/mitarbeitende-wissenschaft/gefaehrdete-forschende/funding/hpsar-ukraine.html
- Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies. Job opportunities for suitably qualified scientists at different levels, ranging from internships to guest scientist positions: https://www.h-its.org/2022/03/02/research-positions-at-hits-for-scientists-from-ukraine/
- Heidelberg SRH Hochschule. Scholarships for Ukrainian students: https://www.srh-hochschule-heidelberg.de/en/landingpage/showing-strong-support-for-ukraine/
- Koblenz-Landau University Institute of Environmental Sciences. Meta-Analysis of the Global Impact of Chemicals (MAGIC) offers paid research stays and positions for researchers from Ukraine : https://www.master-ecotoxicology.de/ecotox-blog/science-for-ukraine-research-stays-at-landau/
- Köln University Faculty of Arts and Humanites. Scholarships for students and Phd candidates, funding opportunities for refugee researchers: https://phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/aktuelles/hilfe-fuer-die-ukraine#news2437
- Konstanz University Zukunfstkolleg. Postdoctoral stipends for up to 6 months to support early career researchers from Ukraine: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/zukunftskolleg/fellowships/visiting-fellowships/
- Münster University: Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics: Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation”: Fellowships for academics fleeing their homeland https://www.uni-muenster.de/Religion-und-Politik/en/aktuelles/2022/Fellowships_gefluechtete_Wissenschaftler_innen.html
- Munich Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) – History Department. Department of History at LMU Munich, together with the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission (DUHK), the Project House Europe and the Center for Global History, has launched a program that enables Ukrainian scholars in the historical sciences to spend up to six months at LMU: https://www.geschichts-und-kunstwissenschaften.uni-muenchen.de/ua_aktuell/ua_en/index.html (English) https://www.geschichts-und-kunstwissenschaften.uni-muenchen.de/ua_aktuell/ua_ua/index.html (Українська). General support and scholarships for students at LMU: https://www.lmu.de/en/workspace-for-students/news-and-events/details/support-for-students-from-ukraine.html
- Tübingen Eberhard Karls University. Scholarships for Ukrainian scholars (postdoc and higher qualification): https://uni-tuebingen.de/international/universitaet/solidaritaet-mit-der-ukraine/#c1528199 // see also application forms database with job opportunities: https://www.antraege-zv.uni-tuebingen.de/index.php
EU wide
- THE European Research Council (ERC) has appealed to its grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff, such as technician and lab managers, from Ukraine. The ERC has contacted all its 5,600 current grantees and is collecting information on possible job opportunities. This data will be compiled and progressively published on the ERC website and other channels https://erc.europa.eu/news/erc-ukraine-jobs-researchers-fleeing-war
Also see this link: https://ukraine.univie.ac.at/en/aid-projects/ and/or subscribe to this mailing-list: Mailing list Slavic Studies, University of Vienna: It bundles different funding opportunities, e.g. short term scholarships of Doctoral Schools etc.: https://lists.univie.ac.at/mailman/listinfo/slawistik
- CEU Vienna BayWa r.e. Empowering Futures Scholarship for the Master of Science in Environmental Sciences and Policy (MESP) or Masters in Public Policy (MAPP) program: https://www.ceu.edu/baywa-r.e.-empowering-futures-scholarship
- FWF Austrian Science Fund: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/news-and-media-relations/news/detail/nid/20220314
- Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) - expanded fellowship opportunities for scholars, journalists, and public intellectuals from Ukraine: https://www.iwm.at/news/iwms-renewed-commitment-to-solidarity-with-ukrainian-scholars
- Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) Special Research Fellowship for Ukrainian Scientists: https://www.esi.ac.at/news/n23
- Czech Academy of Sciences: https://www.avcr.cz/en/news-archive/The-Czech-Academy-of-Sciences-supports-scientists-in-Ukraine/
- Czech science foundation: https://gacr.cz/en/support-for-ukrainian-scientists-and-students/
- Aarhus University research fellowships for researchers affected by the war in Ukraine: https://aias.au.dk/events/show/artikel/aarhus-university-ukrainian-research-fellowships-at-aias
- PAUSE National program for the urgent aid and reception of scientists in exile: https://www.campusfrance.org/en/pause-program-urgent-aid-scientists-exile
- Institut Pasteur, Paris: provides funding to host Ukrainian scientists in its research laboratories: https://www.pasteur.fr/en/home/research-journal/news/ukrainian-scientists-offer-join-host-laboratory-institut-pasteur-paris
- Tel-Aviv University . Emergency Fellowship Fund for Ukrainian Graduate Students: https://tautrust.org/tau-launches-emergency-fellowship-fund-for-ukrainian-graduate-students/
- European University Institute. Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellowship, ESRs affected by the war in Ukraine: https://www.eui.eu/apply?id=max-weber-fellowships-ukraine
- UAF Foundation for refugee students and professionals (uaf.nl)
- Akademia Młodych Uczonych PAN helps Ukrainian scientists with accommodation and job search: https://amu.pan.pl/
- The Polish Academy of Sciences within the framework of cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU) introduces a new tool supporting cooperation with the Ukrainian researchers. https://institution.pan.pl/index.php/755-visits-of-ukrainian-scientists-to-pas
- IMOL The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines Polish Academy of Sciences offers fast-track recruitment opportunity for scientists from Ukraine: https://www.imol.institute/post/imol-for-scientists-from-ukraine
- German Historical Institute Warsaw. Scholarships to support Ukrainian historians who have fled as well as scholars from related disciplines. This funding is intended to enable the continuation of scholarly activities under current conditions. In the first phase, funding is provided for three-month research stays at the GHI in Warsaw: https://www.dhi.waw.pl/en/news/detail/news/research-perspective-ukraine-at-the-ghi-warsaw.html
- Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Scholarships for Ukrainian scientists: https://www.kva.se/en/utlysningar/stipendier-bidrag/for-ukrainska-forskare-att-verka-i-sverige
- Swiss National Science Foundation: https://www.snf.ch/en/JCcfnAcUehMitWUw/news/news-201029-protection-from-persecution-snsf-supports-scholars-at-risk
see following lists
- UKRAINET: https://ukrainet.eu/non-residential-offers/?fbclid=IwAR3hURISnEMmgXWmnI6D_kwAnV8tlDajmI-wCMYp61kXLr_sY5BImnF3ZDs
- UNE: https://neweurope.university/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/UNE-Emergency-Contacts-and-Funding_27-May-2022.pdf (see section on non-residential or remote support)
- Ukrainian Global University. Network to support remote university teaching: https://uglobal.university/for_educational_institutions/
- DAAD. Ukraine digital: Programme for German Universities and their Ukrainian partners: https://www.daad.de/de/infos-services-fuer-hochschulen/weiterfuehrende-infos-zu-daad-foerderprogrammen/ukraine-digital/
- ALLEA All European Academies. European fund for displaced scientists: https://allea.org/european-fund-for-displaced-scientists/
- BASEES. Short-term fellowships (minimum 3 months) at higher education institutions in the UK, European Union or elsewhere in continental Europe: http://basees.org/ukraine
- BRiDGE. Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/uni/profil/international/bridgeprojects/bridge/index.xml
- Institute of International Education's Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) https://www.scholarrescuefund.org/for-scholars/
- Memory Studies Association. Fellowship „Memory Scholars at Risk“: https://research.ncl.ac.uk/encounterpoints/newsevents/encounterpointsexpressessolidaritywithukrainiancommunities.html
- Science for Ukraine: http://scienceforukraine.eu/
- List of labs supporting Ukrainian Scientists: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jGFCqP2kj1ZAN6xy6EoRN1bozaggk9VEsbzYaIkkYcQ/htmlview#gid=0
- Cara - a lifeline to academics at risk: https://www.cara.ngo/what-we-do/a-lifeline-to-academics-at-risk/ukraine-crisis/
- Science4refugees (platform for job search) science4refugees | EURAXESS https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/science4refugees
- International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Relocation Support for Displaced Trainees https://iubmb.org/
SOCIAL NETWORKS (no funding)
- Chance for Science Social Network: https://home.uni-leipzig.de/~chanceforscience/index.php?lang=en
- Scholars at risk network: www.scholarsatrisk.org
- Endangered Scholars Worldwide www.endangeredscholarsworldwide.net
- Academics in Solidarity: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/academicsinsolidarity/
- Science4refugees research buddies: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/euraxess/research-buddies-initiative
- European Association of Archaeologists Solidarity with Ukraine: https://www.e-a-a.org/EAA/Navigation_News/Ukraine_war_detail.aspx
- Inspireurope | Maynooth University https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/sar-europe/inspireurope
- DAAD overview of existing support offers: https://www.daad-ukraine.org/en/support-offers/overview-of-existing-support-offers/
- Overview of help and assistance (map): https://scienceforukraine.eu
- European Comission EURAXESS - EUResearch4Ukraine: online platform by European Comissionwhere information and support services for Ukrainian scientists are posted in English and Ukrainian by the EU, but also by the member states (here on the five categories "housing", "job offers", "embassy", "recognition of diplomas", "other services"): https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/ukraine