DFG Research Project

Hellenic Polytheism in Contemporary Greece: Beliefs, Practices, and the Symbolic Struggle over Hellenicity/Greekness

Hellenischer Polytheismus im heutigen Griechenland: Glaubensvorstellungen, Praktiken und der symbolische Kampf um Hellenizität/Griechische Identität

This DFG research project examines the multi-layered  scene of Hellenic Polytheism in Greece today. A research desideratum in several respects: For although religious movements and people who feel connected to pre-Christian natural religions can be observed internationally, in a number of European countries (and beyond), the followers of the ancient Greek religion and tradition in contemporary Greece have a number of special features, particularly because of their connection to Hellenic polytheism and their fierce criticism of the producers of the dominant Orthodox culture and official ideology in Greece. The “Hellenic polytheists” or “Ethnic Hellenes”, as they prefer to call themselves, aim to restore the ancient Greek religion and tradition in contemporary Greece. They promote Hellenic polytheism and a related way of life as a key solution to the rapid transformations and acute crises that not only Greece, but also the whole world faces today. The project intends to examine these religious groups and organizations both “internally” (e.g., beliefs, values, ritual practices) and “externally” (e.g., conflicts, public relations) in a differentiated, detailed and systematic way. To this end, it will use a variety of methods; for instance, interpretive content analysis, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation. The results will be made available to both academic and non-academic audiences in conferences, scholarly papers, blog posts, and a monograph on the subject.

Hellen Ritual
Hellenisches Ritual (© Wikimedia Commons)


Research Fellow an der Professur für Orthodoxes Christentum
(Philosophische Fakultät)
C18 – Lehrgebäude 4 / Raum E30
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