Anmeldung bitte per E-Mail über das Sekretariat (Verena Ferda
C23 – Mitarbeitergebäude 1
Alfred-Weber-Platz 6
99089 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
Dienstag, 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr, Anmeldung bitte per E-Mail über das Sekretariat (Verena Ferda
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
C23 – Mitarbeitergebäude 1
Alfred-Weber-Platz 6
99089 Erfurt
Universität Erfurt
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt
seit April 2009: Professorin für "Sprache und ihre Struktur" (insbesondere anglistische Sprachwissenschaft) am Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Erfurt
2007-2009: akademische Rätin (“Senior Lecturer“ mit 13 LVS) am Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik
2000-2007: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin/Assistentin (C1) am Lehrstuhl für anglistische Linguistik des Instituts für Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Prof. Hübler)
1994-1999: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (0,5) am Lehrstuhl für anglistische Linguistik des Instituts für Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Prof. Hübler)
1987-1994: Studium der Anglistik, Germanistik (Lehramt Gymnasium) an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (FSU)
Promotionen: Erstbetreuung
Matthias Altmann, M.A. (Promotion Erfurt, laufend)
Dr. phil. Volodymyr Dekalo (Promotion Erfurt, mit Prof. Dr. Antje Lüdeling, Berlin, abgeschlossen 2018)
Dr. phil. Susanne Hoppe (Promotion Erfurt, mit Prof. Dr. Karlfried Knapp, abgeschlossen 2013)
Promotionen und Habilitationen: Externe bzw. Zweitgutachten
Nina Julich, M.A. (Promotion Leipzig, abgeschlossen 2019)
PD Dr. phil. habil. Natalia Levshina (Habilitation Leipzig, abgeschlossen 2019)
Laurence Romaine, Ph.D. (Université de Lille, abgeschlossen 2018)
Gutachtertätigkeiten für Stiftungen und andere Universitäten
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Humboldt Foundation)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Mitarbeit an Journalen, Herausgaben
Cognitive Semantics: Associate editor since Spring 2019
Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GLCA): Board member
Linguistics Applied: Board member
Ad hoc Gutachten für Fachzeitschriften und Fachverbände seit 2006
Cognitive Linguistics
Cognitive Science (linguistics section)
Cognitive Semantics
Constructions (e-journal. special issue on Construction Grammar)
Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
English Language and Linguistics
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Journal of English Linguistics
Journal of Linguistics
Journal of Pragmatics
Language Sciences
Linguistics Vanguard
Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics
(Annual) Review of Cognitive Linguistics
de Gruyter Mouton monograph series: Trends in Linguistics
John Benjamins' monograph series: Human Cognitive Processing
Philological Society (U.K.): Monographs
2022 Beate Hampe & Anja Binanzer (eds.), Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Society (GCLA-10). Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.
2019-2022 Associate editor of Cognitive Semantics (Brill)
2018 Beate Hampe & Susanne Flach (eds.), Corpus. Constructions. Cognition. Special Issue of Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA-6), Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton.
2017 Hampe, Beate (Hrsg.), Metaphor. Embodied Cognition & Discourse. Cambridge, etc.: Cambridge University Press.
[Rezensiert von Terese Thonus in: Metaphor and the Social World 9:1 (2019), 139-146]
2005 Hampe, Beate (Hrsg., in Kooperation mit Joseph E. Grady). From Perception to Meaning: Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics. Cognitive Linguistic Research 29. Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter.
2002 Hampe, Beate. Superlative Verbs. A corpus-based study of semantic redundancy in English verb-particle constructions. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag.
[Rezensiert von Christoph Schubert in: Anglia 123:1(2005), 109-114]
I share my papers at and ResearchGate.
2022b Editorial: Cognitive Linguistics as an interdisciplinary Endeavour. In Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (CGLA-9): 1-6.
2022a Between embodiment and usage: Conventionalized figurative expressions and the notion of 'idiom set'. In: Herbert L. Colston, Teenie Matlock & Gerard JU. Steen (eds.), Dynamism in Metaphor and Beyond [Metaphor in Language, Cognition & Communication 9] (pp. 157-190), Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
2018 (with Susanne Flach) Corpora. Constructions. Cognition. Editorial. In Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA-6, Special Issue: Corpora. Constructions. Cognition., edited by Beate Hampe und Susanne Flach): 1-8.
2018 (with Stefan Th. Gries) Syntax from and for discourse II. More on complex sentences as meso-constructions. In Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA-6 Special Issue: Corpora. Constructions. Cognition., edited by Beate Hampe und Susanne Flach): 115-142.
2017 (with Volodymyr Dekalo) Complementing Collostructional Analysis by Cluster and Network Analyses. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA-5) 2017(5): 145-178.
2017 Embodiment & discourse: Dimensions and dynamics of metaphor theory. In: Beate Hampe (ed.), Metaphor: Embodied Cognition & Discourse (pp. 3-23). Cambridge, etc.: CUP.
2016 Language and perception. Entry in the new edition of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Psychology, ed. by Harold L. Miller (pp. 664-666). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
2015 Syntax from and for discourse: Adverbial Clauses as item-specific constructions in Spontaneous Spoken English. Zeitschrift für Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Special Issue: "Constructions - Aspects of Construction Grammar" ed. by Susen Faulhaber and Thomas Herbst) 63-3: 295-322.
2015 Review of "The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics" (ed. by Jeannette Littlemore and John Taylor, London/New York: Bloomsbury 2014). Cognitive Linguistics 26-3: 549-560.
2014 More on the as-predicative: Granularity issues in the description of construction networks. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association (GCLA-2), edited by Susanne Flach & Martin Hilpert. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton: 207-234.
2013 [reprint of 2011a] In: Cognitive Linguistics: The Quantitative Turn. The Essential Reader. L.A.Janda (ed.), Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton: 141-176.
2013 (with Christian Lehmann) Partial Coreference. Languages Across Boundaries. D. Bakker and M. Haspelmath (eds.), Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton: 171-208.
2012 Transitive phrasal verbs in acquisition and use. A view from Construction Grammar. Language Value 4(1): 1-31.
2011b Metaphor, constructional ambiguity and the causative resultatives. Windows to the Mind. S. Handl and H.-J. Schmid (eds.). Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter: 185-215.
2011a Discovering constructions by means of collostruction analysis: The English Denominative Construction. Cognitive Linguistics 22(2): 211-245.
2010 (with Stefan Th. Gries and Doris Schönefeld). Converging Evidence II: More on the association between verbs and constructions. Empirical and Experimental Methods in Cognitive/Functional Research. S. Rice and J. Newman (eds.). Stanford, CA, CSLI Publications: 59-72.
2009 Review of Hilpert, M., “Germanic Future Constructions. A Usage-based Approach.” Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 7: 345-356.
2006 (with Doris Schönefeld) Syntactic leaps or lexical variation? – More on "Creative Syntax". Corpora in Cognitive Linguistics. Corpus-based Approaches to Syntax and Lexis. S. T. Gries and A. Stefanowitsch (eds.). Berlin/New York, Mouton de Gruyter: 127-157.
2005c Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics. Introduction. From Perception to Meaning: Image Schemas in Cognitive Linguistics. B. Hampe (ed. in cooperation with J. Grady). Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter: 1-12.
2005b On the role of iconic motivation in conceptual metaphor: Has metaphor theory come full circle? Outside-In. Inside-Out. W. J. Herlofsky, C. Maeder and O. Fischer (eds.) Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 39-66.
2005a When down is not bad and up not good enough: A usage-based assessment of the plus-minus parameter in image-schema theory. Cognitive Linguistics 16(1): 81-112.
2005 (with Stefan Th. Gries and Doris Schönefeld). Converging evidence: Bringing together experimental and corpus data on the associations of verbs and constructions. Cognitive Linguistics 16(4): 635-676.
2003 (with Doris Schönefeld). Creative syntax: Iconic principles within the symbolic. From Sign to Signing. W. G. Müller and O. Fischer (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 243-261.
2000 Facing up to the meaning of 'face up to': A cognitive semantico-pragmatic analysis of an English verb-particle construction. Constructions in Cognitive Linguistics. Selected Papers from the Fifth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Amsterdam 1997. A. Foolen and F. van der Leek (eds.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 81-102.
1999 (with Doris Schönefeld) Review: Alfred Wollmann, Präpositionalphrasen im Englischen./ Frank Boers, Spatial Prepositions and Metaphor. Anglia, Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie. Band 117(3): 430-438.
1997 Towards a solution of the phrasal verb puzzle: Considerations on some scattered pieces. Lexicology 3/2: 203-243.
seit Mai 2021:
seit Oktober 2019:
Studienrichtungsbeauftragte BA-Studiengang Anglistik/Amerikanistik (zuvor: SS 2009-SS 2011, SS 2015)
stellvertretende M.A.-Beauftragte für den Studiengang "Angewandte Linguistik" (zuvor: M.A.-Beauftragte WS 2018 - SS 2019)
April 2017 bis April 2021:
Seit April 2017:
Sprecherin des Nachwuchskollegs "Sprachbeherrschung"
Oktober 2011 bis September 2015:
Pro- & Studiendekanin der Philosophischen Fakultät
Oktober 2011 bis September 2013:
stellvertretende Sprecherin des universitären Forschungsschwerpunkts "Bildung"