Akademischer Rat für Europäische Geschichte in Globaler Perspektive /Assistant Professor for Contemporary European History in Global Perspective

Dr. Florian Wagner


Projektleiter "Migration" in der DFG-Forschungsgruppe "Freiwilligkeit" (Historisches Seminar)


C19 – Forschungsbau „Weltbeziehungen“ / C19.01.06 (Foschungsneubau Weltbeziehungen, 1.Stock)


Bitte vereinbaren sie einen Termin per Email: florian.wagner@uni-erfurt.de


Historisches Seminar
C19 – Forschungsbau „Weltbeziehungen“
Max-Weber-Allee 3
99089 Erfurt


Universität Erfurt
Historisches Seminar
Postfach 90 02 21
99105 Erfurt

Dr. Florian Wagner

Workshop zu Menschen aus kolonialen Kontexten mit der Gedenkstätte Buchenwald

Auch in den nationalsozialistischen Terrorstätten befanden sich Menschen aus den damaligen europäischen Kolonien. Mindestens 1.000 Menschen mit kolonialen Erfahrungen gerieten zum Beispiel in das System des Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald. Ihre Geschichte wurde bislang nicht erzählt. Diese deutsch-französische Tagung widmet sich ihrer Unterwerfung unter den Lagerterror und versucht einzelne Lebensgeschichten hinsichtlich der Frage von Freiwilligkeit und Zwang in autoritären Systemen zu rekonstruieren.

About me/Zur Person

CV and full List of Publications/Lebenslauf und Publikationsliste

My broad interests are in colonial history, history of migration, and environmental history, all linking the history of Europe, Asia, and Africa.  My book on Colonial Internationalism and the Governmentality of Empire, 1893-1982 (Cambridge University Press 2022) shows how self-styled colonial experts established the International Colonial Institute in 1893 to reshape the world's colonial policies.  By way of transimperial cooperation they redefined fields as different as colonial law and labor recruitment,  the training of colonial administrators, tropical agriculture and medicine, indigenous representation in local councils and international organizations, as well as sustained development based on mutual aid and micro credits. The book is based on a dissertation defended at the European University Institute in Florence entitled "Colonial Internationalism: How Cooperation Among Experts Reshaped Colonialism 1830-1950."

My new book project is on the history of repatriations in a global perspective and examines the various attempts of European governments, NGOs, and international organizations to make migration undone. I use a critical approach to the concept of repatriation by situating it in a historical context that extends roughly from the 1960s to the 1990s. A fellowship granted by the German Historical Institue at UC Berkeley gave me the opportunity to explore various processes of repatriation that allows a comparative view on remigrations in the world.

My most recent publications explore African perspectives on the First World War and the Weimar Republic.  I also wrote on the interconnections between different empires and imperial lobby groups, and examined key concepts such as the "West" in colonial discourse




  • Migrationsgeschichte/History of Migration
  • Kolonialgeschichte/Colonial History
  • Transnationale und Transimperiale Geschichte/Transnational and Transimperial History
  • Europäische Geschichte/History of Modern Europe (Nineteenth and Twentieth Century)
  • Afrikanische Geschichte/African History
  • Globalgeschichte/ Global History

Neueste Publikationen/Most Recent Publications