
Scheitern mit Ansage - Die christliche Schöpfungsverantwortung

20. Mar 2024, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
Brunnenkirche Erfurt, Fischersand 24
Die Natur gehört sich selbst?!
Co-operation event of the Max-Weber-Kolleg with Heinrich Böll Foundation and others
Dr Fabian Sieber
Event type
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Lecture by theologian Dr Fabian Sieber as part of the event series "Die Natur gehört sich selbst?!". Admission free.

Theologian Dr Fabian Sieber examines the Christian responsibility for creation against the backdrop of a one-sided understanding of the biblical mandate "Subdue the earth" as a justification for the exploitation of the planet's resources.

About the series

Does nature belong to itself? Can it therefore be a subject that has its own rights like other legal subjects? And if so, what does that look like in concrete terms? What does it mean for our understanding of property? How can nature represent itself? Who can credibly act as its deputy? Behind such considerations lies an explosive question: How can we succeed in preserving the natural conditions in which we live from the brutal grip of interest-led global commercialisation and plundering as well as thoughtless overuse in the long term?

As long as 50 years ago, the philosopher Hans Jonas called for nature to be granted its own right to exist so that life on our planet can continue to be worth living in the future. The threat to the climate not only questions our habits, but also throws our ways of thinking into disarray. Humans are no longer the centre of attention, but part of a shared world. What does that mean?

Our series of events is dedicated to these topics, inviting people at different locations to engage in dialogue at a secondary school, a church and the University of Erfurt. The series will conclude with an excursion to practical nature conservation areas in the Drei Gleichen region - Natura 2000.
The exact date will be announced at
