Ideas with impact.

Welcome to the Founders Service of the University of Erfurt.

Our vision - The "Social Impact Campus"

We want to promote innovative, responsible and intercultural action with a Social Founder Campus at the University of Erfurt. 
The combination of sustainable and scalable business brings financial, ecological and ethical benefits into harmony.

The SIC in one click ... let's film! (please activate "subtitles" for english.)


Studierende bei der Arbeit im Team
Start-up consulting What can you expect from us?
Teaserbild SIC
Offers for Research Transfer Uncover transfer potential


The "Start-up Competition - Digital Innovations" is an ideas competition organised by the BMWK. Interested start-ups from all over Germany can submit a sketch of their digital business idea to the two annual competition rounds and apply for the…

The ThEx AWARD - The Thuringian Start-up Prize is THE award for outstanding ideas and achievements of Thuringian founders, special commitment of Thuringian entrepreneurs and successfully realised company successions.

Katharina Kucharczyk, a student at the University of Erfurt, is working together with other committed people, consisting of several (hobby) craftsmen and women with and without an academic background, in the newly founded BUILD-SHARE-REPAIR e.V. for…

Social Impact Award (SIA for short) is Europe's largest community of early-stage social entrepreneurs under 30 and has been supporting young innovators in realising their own ideas and projects since 2009.

Contact Founders Service


The Founders Service on social media

imprint, data protection and netiquette


University of Erfurt, Founders Service, Nordhäuser Straße 63, 99089 Erfurt
Telephone: 0361-737-5005
VAT ID: DE 811 627 407

Social media channels: Facebook and Instagram and YouTube
Responsibility for content and support of the accounts: Founders Service of the University of Erfurt

The University of Erfurt is a corporation under public law. It is led by Prof. Dr. Walter Bauer-Wabnegg, the President of the University of Erfurt, legally represented.

Responsible supervisory authority: Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Werner-Seelenbinder Straße 7, 99096 Erfurt
Information on the disclaimer can be found on the University of Erfurt's website. All graphics and pictures used are protected by copyright. All photos may only be copied and reused with the permission of the respective author. Photos that are expressly made available for download may be used by customers of the site operator and representatives of the press, provided that the image rights are identified. The copyright for the published texts also lies with the operator of the site. Individual text passages as well as complete texts may be quoted provided the author and source are acknowledged.

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You can view Facebook's privacy policy on this page:

Facebook Privacy Policy

We would like to point out that personal data can be collected by facebook, even if you open the page without your own facebook account.

You can view Instagram's privacy policy on this page:

Instagram Privacy Policy

We would like to point out that personal data can be collected by Instagram even if you open the page without your own Instagram account.


We want to experience and promote respectful cooperation on our social media channels Facebook and Instagram, which is why we reserve the right to delete inappropriate posts without comment.

If you have specific questions, please get in touch with us by email

Thank you! The team of the Founders Service

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