News for Early Stage Researchers

Icon News for Early Stage Researcher

Here you will find announcements about:

  • the newsletter of the Graduate Services,
  • events and interdisciplinary workshops for doctoral candidates,
  • thesis defense,
  • external programmes and grant offers. 

Furthermore you can register for the newsletter of the Graduate Services by following this link.

Newsletter of the Graduate Services

Hereyou can find the latest newsletter of the Graduate services.

Gladly we will e-mail the newsletter of the Graduate services to you too!

You will receive the newsletter whenever the workshops for the „Academic Career and Qualification programme“ or scholarship announcements are made public. The newsletter will be send once a month at most.

To subscribe for the mailing list, please klick on this link and enter your e-mail address. Afterwards you will receive an e-mail to reconfirm that you have used a valid mail address.

You can unsubscribefrom the mailing list at any time.

Please notice the data protection formular (avialable in German only).

Events and Interdisciplinary Workshops

Academic Skills Training

The Academic Skills Training offers workshops focused on didactic progammes and interdisciplinary key competences. Further information can be found here.

careerMe Mentoring Programme

The careerMe mentoring programme will enter its next round in winter semester 2024/25. With this programme, the University of Erfurt aims to provide academics with the best possible support in their career planning and, in particular, on the path to a permanent professorship.

A programme line for postdoctoral researchers and tenure track professors and a programme line for advanced doctoral researchers (at least 2 years in PhD-programme) are offered.

The mentees are supported in their career planning and development by a mentor for one year.

Applications are possible until 31.08.2024.

If you are interested in taking part, you can find more information and the opportunity to apply at the following link:

Thesis Defense

Currently, we have no information about upcoming thesis defenses.

External Programmes and Grant Offers

Call for Papers: "Knowledge creates change - ideas, processes and theories from research"

The theme of this year's DocColloq interdisciplinary graduate conference is "Knowledge Creates Change - Ideas, Processes and Theories from Research". The conference will take place digitally on 5 & 6 December 2024. Doctoral candidates, regardless of their doctoral status, are invited to submit abstracts and contribution proposals on the topic of change in order to present and discuss their topics in front of an interdisciplinary audience.

What is the DocColloq? The DocColloq doctoral student colloquium was founded at Trier University in 2018 and is organising a conference for doctoral students and those interested in doing a doctorate in German-speaking countries for the sixth time this year. The aim of the interdisciplinary conference is to give doctoral candidates the opportunity to present their research to a non-specialist audience in a low-threshold conference setting and to contribute to exchange and networking between the disciplines.

Abstracts can be submitted until 21 July 2024.

Further information - including on past graduate conferences - can be found on the DocColloq website:

Research Career: Information by the DFG

The German Research Foundation (DFG) offers a wide range of funding opportunities for postdoctoral researchers in the early career phase. The DFG regularly provides information about these opportunities in the online discussion series "Prospects". Throughout the year, specific funding instruments and programs for the time after the doctorate are presented in various online seminars. Also interesting for doctoral candidates!

The next events in the Prospects series are:

  • 07 June 2024, 14.00-15.30 – DFG Funding programmes for academic career
  • 13 June 2024, 14.00-15:30 – Emmy Noether Programme
  • 29 August 2024, 16:00-17:30 - DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (in English)

Further information on the event and the slides of past lectures in the Prospects series can be found at:


DAAD Information Session PRIME (Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience)

PRIME offers temporary employment at a German university and is not a conventional scholarship. The 18 months of funding include a mandatory yearlong stay abroad. The program is open to all those who have completed their doctorate at the start of the funding period and have at least one published publication to show by the application deadline. The target group of the program are young scientists who see their professional career in Germany in the long term.

The most important dates of the program process:

Opening of the application portal: May 2024

Application deadline: August 31, 2024

Selection result: Beginning of March 2025

Start of funding: June 01, 2025 - November 01, 2025

For further Information:

DAAD Funds Congress and Lecture Visits

Since 01 March 2023, the DAAD again offers funding for participation in congresses and lectures.

In the congress travel program active congress participation is funded, in the lecture travel program a lecture activity outside of congresses and conferences is funded. The announcements can be found at and (both pages are available in German only).

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the DAAD Infocenter. You can reach our advisors by calling 0228-882 180 at the following times: Monday to Thursday 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm (CEST), Friday 9am - 2pm (CEST), or via DAAD contact form

"Writing-Fridays" for Doctoral Candidates

The offers doctoral candidates free online writing-days. Each first Friday in a month from 9:30 to 12:00 am doctoral candidates meet each other and get additional support for their writing process by professionell coaches. Doctoral candidates from all research fields are welcome to join, regardless of how much progression they have with their own thesis. Joining the writing-days is possible to any time.

Application and further information can be found here (in German only).

DocColloq for Doctoral Candidates

The "DocColloq", founded in 2018 at the University of Trier by the research assistants Camilla Haake and Natalie Tröller, forms an interdisciplinary network for doctoral candidates from all research subjects and institutions. Digital meetings will take place on a regular basis to further the Germany-wide exchange between doctoral candidates, the networking with each other and to encourage to get insights outside their own disciplines and researches. In those two hour meetings up to three doctoral candidates will give an insight into their own research in short 15-minute presentations, followed by joint discussion of the plenum. All doctoral candidates are invited, no matter which university, research area, progress of their dissertation or if they just want to pay attention to the presentations.

The meeting takes place via Zoom. People interested in joining are asked to register by mail at You will get a link to the meeting afterwards.

FAZIT Foundation

The FAZIT Foundation is a non-profit publishing company that specifically promotes science and research by awarding doctoral scholarships and grants for printing and travel costs.

Applications for a two-year doctoral scholarship as well as grants for printing costs and travel expenses are possible at any time.

The foundation provides information on further requirements and documents to be submitted on its website:

Leopoldina Postdoc Scholarship

The German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) awards two-year postdoctoral fellowships to postdoctoral researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland who completed their doctorate no more than seven years ago for a research stay abroad. The scholarship includes a basic scholarship of 1,750.00 euros per month and monthly material resources of 250.00 euros.

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis. Award decisions are made three times a year.

Further information can be found at: