The workplace health promotion program in Department D2 has therefore developed and implemented various offers. The University of Erfurt would like to develop its existing health promotion program into a sustainable university health management program with the support of its cooperation partner AOK PLUS.
In addition to the continuation and supplementation of proven preventive individual offers and campaigns, the focus in future will increasingly be on processes that bundle the fields of action health, cooperation, general appreciation, communication, leadership behavior, personnel management, further education and work design and lead to a living culture at the Healthy University of Erfurt.
"Healthy University of Erfurt" concept
(only available in german)
>> More events at the University of Erfurt can be found in our calendar.
Within the framework of university health promotion, the University of Erfurt would like to sensitize employees and students to the topic of "health" at the annual Health Day, draw attention to existing offers at the university and initiate new initiatives.
The 9th Health Day will take place on May 22, 2025. Further information will follow.
With its campus run, the University of Erfurt is adding another attractive competition to the Thuringian running calendar. Together with the Universitätssportverein Erfurt e.V., the university invites running enthusiasts to compete in the ten-kilometer course for individual runners and the 5 x 2-kilometer team run on campus.
The 9th Campus Run will take place on June 25, 2025.
Campus Run website (only available in german)
The University Sports programme at USV Erfurt includes various courses which are suitable for employees and specially tailored to their interests. The complete overview and the link to enrolment can be found on the University Sports Club pages (only available in german).
Every fall, the University of Erfurt offers its students and employees the opportunity to get a flu vaccination. Booster vaccinations for tetanus and TBE are also possible under certain circumstances. COVID-19 vaccinations were also offered in fall 2022.
The next flu vaccination date is October 30, 2024.
Regular blood tests are also part of preventive healthcare. Anyone who donates blood also receives a general health check by a doctor beforehand. Those who donate blood support the healthcare system by providing valuable blood reserves that enable fellow human beings to survive. Health Management therefore regularly organizes an appointment with the Suhl blood donation service on campus.
Next dates:
January 8, 2025
April 16, 2025
June 25, 2025
October 29, 2025
former checkroom C01 - Audimax building, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Registration is not required. Please bring your identity card and - if available - your blood donor card!
In 2023, the Health team organized the first Preventive Care Day with various offers. These included a sleep analysis, a carotid screening and a cardio scan.
This year's prevention day will take place on October 29, 2024. Further information will follow.
The University Health Management organizes an annual health week in the winter semester. Within this week, various mental health workshops and sports courses are offered. The health weeks are aimed at the entire university public. The date for this year will be announced in time via the news bulletin.
The date for the next health week will be announced.
At the University of Erfurt, the University Health Management, the Student Council and various university groups have been committed to the issue of cycling and walking for several years. University members actively participate in the "Cycle to work" and "City cycling for a climate-friendly city center" campaigns. University Health Management organizes an annual cycling action day and the administration's walking day with various partners. The University of Erfurt signed the "Thuringian Charter for Cycling and Walking" in 2023.
Increased learning workloads, tight schedules, more and more networking, increasing complexity - we are all constantly experiencing everyday stress. At the University of Erfurt there is a retreat room that is open to all members of the university who are looking for peace and relaxation, want to meditate or say a prayer. It can be used by anyone who values silence. This room is accessible during the opening hours of teaching building 2 (Mo-Fri, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.). It is located in the basement and is a place to relax, pray and meditate. The room is equipped with meditation mats, cushions and benches.
Pause for a moment during the lunch break, find a small island of peace in everyday life, become still and feel inside yourself - lunchtime meditation is offered every Thursday from 11:50 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. during the lecture period - open to everyone, beginners and advanced students. The form varies depending on the person accompanying you - sitting on a cushion in silence, walking meditation, body scan, guided meditation or something completely different.
Mindfulness means paying attention in a certain way: consciously, in the present moment and without judgment. Based on this fundamental attitude, the American medical professor and molecular biologist Jan Kabat-Zinn developed the secular Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) training format at Massachusetts University Hospital in 1979. As part of the Thuringian Mindful Universities model, this was adapted for the special needs of universities between 2017 and 2019 by means of target group-specific training formats. These formats were created:
The resulting supra-regional cooperation platform Mindful Universities "Achtsame Hochschulen" explores the impact of mindfulness and meditation in a changing, digitalized higher education landscape.
It is assumed that target group-specific mindfulness training can improve the ability to deal with social transformation processes (digitalization, globalization, corona and climate crisis, etc.) in a prudent, sustainable and socially balanced way and provide participants with tips and strategies for developing a resilient personality.
The contact person for this topic at the University of Erfurt is Dr. Birgit Jäpelt. She practices Zen meditation and is a certified MBST trainer. She regularly offers MBST courses for students at StuFu, in which the individual and ecosystemic practice of mindfulness is practiced. In another StuFu seminar, interested students are invited to take part in a learning process in the “laboratory on the seat cushion” and explore their own self. The focus here is on the practical experience of Zen meditation as well as the historical roots of mindfulness and the relationship to science.
In addition, she offers a 20-minute meditation in the Room of Silence at lunchtime (11:50 - 12:10) on Thursdays during the semester in coordination with the lecturers Elisabeth Mantel, Beate Walter and Theres Werner.
There is a Mental Health First Aid Team at the University of Erfurt, which offers first aid in the event of mental health crises and problems. The contact persons are able to recognize symptoms of a mental health crisis and apply specific first aid measures. The aim of a conversation is to listen, assist, offer help and refer people to professional advice centers and support services.
The first aiders have completed a certificate training with the internationally recognized Mental Health First Aid program and are trained for these talks. Please note: The counseling service does not offer therapy and no diagnoses are made!
Many people complain about physical problems and limitations, but these can be well compensated and limited by taking breaks with targeted relaxation and relief of the daily strained muscles and regular applications. Together with Ms. Oppermann, we can make you the following offer:
Please note: The service must be paid for by the users themselves and is not counted as working time. Anyone wishing to use the mobile massage must sign out for this time with their Thoska and, if the time falls within core working hours, must first clarify with their supervisor that there are no urgent work tasks in the way.
The "Active Break" is an individual, varied short programme (30 minutes) of relaxation, mobilization and exercise, which is offered as part of the University Health Management in cooperation with the University Sports Club (USV).
The sports program is carried out by qualified trainers who use a wide variety of small equipment (dumbbells, Thera-bands, balls, etc.) to actively promote health. The small group size means that trainers can easily cater to individual needs. The "active break" not only serves to improve general well-being and reduce tension, but also ensures a positive body image. The advantage is that participants do not have to change location or change clothes. The mind is "free" again and participants can go back to work with renewed energy.
With the support of our health partner AOK PLUS, free use is still guaranteed. Our exercise instructor Susanne Wolter will work with you to perform exercises to improve strength and flexibility as well as stretching and relaxation exercises so that you can get back to work with renewed energy. New registrations via Moodle are possible at any time. Registration key: Aktive_Pause
Prevention is better than cure. The widespread disease "back pain" can be prevented by specific exercises. This special back school is carried out with the support of the AOK PLUS and the USV Erfurt in the gymnastics and fitness room of the sports hall. The next date will be announced here in good time.
The University of Erfurt has set itself the task of protecting, maintaining and helping to restore the health of its employees. Accordingly, in the sense of the legal regulation of § 167 Para. 2 SGB IX, all employees who have been unfit for work for more than six weeks continuously or repeatedly are offered a company integration management. The aim is to jointly find the best way to prevent a possible health- or disability-related exclusion from the employment process at an early stage.
Based on the current framework inclusion agreement (as of 09.10.2018), Department 2: Human Resources, in cooperation with the Staff Council and the Disabled Persons' Representative Council, offers appropriate counselling to clarify how, among other things, re-entry into working life can be supported and renewed incapacity for work can be prevented.
Flyer BEM(only in German)
Contact persons for further questions can be found at:
Yoga exercises can help the practitioner to harmonize life, awaken dormant abilities and unite with true self-awareness. Common practice of body positions (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) as well as relaxation exercises are on the program for beginners and advanced students at the USV Erfurt lunchtime class, which takes place every Tuesday from 12 to 1 p.m. in the UGM room (former checkroom under the Audimax). Exercise instructor Gudrun Hoch teaches a dynamic yoga (Hata). The course can be taken all year round via membership in the yoga department of USV Erfurt (membership fee 60 euros per year). A trial training is possible. Interested parties can contact Jens Panse
Those who would like to use the course must sign out with their thoska for this time and clarify with their supervisor(s) that no urgent work tasks stand in the way.
"Ping-Pong" during the lunch break - every Thursday from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. the UGM offers this form of "active break". At two table tennis tables in the checkroom under the Audimax building, you can play singles, doubles, or Chinese while engaging in conversation with your colleagues. As with the "active break", half an hour is deducted from the working time. Anyone wishing to take advantage of the offer for longer must sign off for this time with his/her thoska and clarify with his/her supervisor that no urgent work tasks stand in the way.
Registration via Moodle (Key: Tischtennis_Mittagspause)
Under the guidance of Dietlinde Schmalfuß-Plicht, you can start the day relaxed every Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. from March 8, 2023. The University Library employee completed training as a relaxation trainer last year and would now like to use her acquired knowledge to help colleagues deal with the various tensions and stresses of everyday life through regular relaxation training. In the UGM room (former checkroom under the Audimax), she offers autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation on a weekly basis. Participation in the 30-minute offer as part of the UGM is counted towards working hours.
Registration via Moodle (registration key: relaxation)
The University of Erfurt attaches great importance to ergonomically designed workplaces that are beneficial to health. Therefore, for some time now, the purchase of electrically height-adjustable desks has been financially supported from central funds. You can find more information on the pages of Department 5.
After the sound and relaxation therapy was very well received during the health week, the practitioner Sabine Kalkofe-Roth would like to offer it regularly in the UGM room in the KIZ (R 0.09) for interested members of the university. Many physical and psychological complaints can be alleviated or remedied by living in harmony with oneself and one's environment. The areas of application of the singing bowl are wide-ranging and include the treatment of tension, physical complaints and psychological problems. Ms. Kalkofe-Roth will initially offer appointments for sound and relaxation therapy on 16th January, 20th February and 20th March from 9:30 am to 3 pm. To make an appointment:
Note: The offer must be paid for by the users themselves (30 minutes cost 25 euros) and is not counted as service time. Anyone wishing to use the sound and relaxation therapy must sign out for this time with their Thoska (ZEUS web terminal) and, if the time falls within core working hours, clarify in advance with their line manager that there are no urgent work tasks in the way.
In times of Corona and distance learning, studying is not easy for many. Against this backdrop, the University of Erfurt is now setting up a worry line for students, which will begin its work in the summer semester.
At the hotline, students advise their fellow students on problems and psychological stress related to their studies, listen to them and refer them to further support services.
The hotline can be reached at 0361/30252964 - please note the "operating times". At times when the phone is not busy or another call is in progress, there is a recorded message with the necessary information.
Together with the association Irsinnig Menschlich e.V., the health management invites you to an exciting exchange to get to the bottom of the topic 'mental health in studies'. You can expect no boring lecture, because this event is interactive! In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet people who have mastered mental health crises during their studies and who will provide you with valuable tips.
Next Online-Forum: The date will be announced here.
Is seven minutes a day enough to live a more relaxed and conscious life? But yes - with the 7Mind app! Especially for students, the app contains mindfulness exercises on the topics of learning stress, exam anxiety and stress-free studying, which can be easily integrated into everyday life. With the support of BARMER health insurance, all students at the University of Erfurt receive free annual access. Register with your university e-mail address at
All students at the University of Erfurt can register there and find their personal code via the “7Mind Study” tab. This can be used to activate 7Mind Study for one year.
The steering group "Health Promotion" was established by a resolution of the Executive Board in March 2015. In addition to the Chancellor, its members include employees from various areas of the administration, the Equal Opportunity and Family Office, the GENIA network, as well as colleagues from the departments, the Staff Council, the Student Council, University Sports and the Student Union, those responsible for occupational health and safety, and the company doctor. It meets twice a semester for consultations. The work is coordinated by the representative for university health promotion and supported by the project partner AOK PLUS.
The main tasks of the steering committee are:
The working group "Health Promotion Projects" meets regularly to prepare various projects, such as the "Active Break", the Thuringian Health Week or the Health Day.
The working group "Mental Health" is specifically dedicated to developing and organizing mental health services for the entire university community.
If you are interested in supporting our working groups, please contact us at
In our Campus-Blog "I like my university ..." we introduce the university group in more detail. (in German only)
Health communication as an interdisciplinary field of research deals with this very tension and addresses the social and psychological conditions, meanings, and consequences of health-related and health-relevant, intended and unintended, intrapersonal, interpersonal, media, and public communication. This interdisciplinary master's program is dedicated to the theory and practice of evidence-informed health communication.
At the same time, students and teachers from the master's program also support health promotion at the University of Erfurt - with studies, actions and information on the topic of health.
The Thuringian Student Services Organisation also supports the University of Erfurt in company or student health management - whether with healthy cuisine, in organising events within the framework of the "Healthy University" or in special problem situations with psychosocial counselling.
The University of Erfurt has appointed the first 25 health ambassadors for the start of the summer semester 2021. They are to help communicate the health promotion offers and act as contact persons in their respective areas. They also actively participate in events and focus group workshops. Would you like to support our health team at the University of Erfurt? Then please contact the University Health Management by e-mail:
The consequences of excessive consumption of alcohol are often underestimated in German society, but cause restrictions in mental, physical and social well-being. Regular consumption of alcohol and other addictive substances endangers mental and physical health. The negative consequences not only affect the person concerned, but also the private and company environment.
As part of the University of Erfurt's duty of care as an employer, comprehensive information is provided to prevent the development of addictive disorders and to motivate a responsible approach to addictive substances.
The working group for addiction prevention and addiction support helps employees with addiction to overcome their addiction and reintegrate into everyday working life. In addition, the members are contact persons for managers and employees who have colleagues in their working environment whose behavior may indicate an addiction problem.
If necessary, you can arrange a personal meeting with the addiction representative Jens Panse. All discussions are, of course, conducted in strict confidence.
Framework service agreement on addiction prevention and addiction treatment (only in german)
Guide to action for managers
In case of acute alcoholization, restriction of the ability to work or change in behavior (e.g. decreasing concentration and performance, irresponsibility, carelessness, nervousness, mood swings, smell of alcohol, unsteadiness of gait, slurred speech) due to intoxicating substances:
Babette Udhardt (Addiction Officer)
Jens Panse (University Health Managment)
Nadine Pippus-Wehlisch (Department 2: Human Ressources)
Andrea Scholz
Dr. Martin Wolf (company doctor)
Sucht- und Drogenhilfezentrum in Trägerschaft der SiT - Suchthilfe in Thüringen Beratungs- und Behandlungsstelle für Suchtkranke und ihre Angehörigen
Liebknechtstraße 19, 99085 Erfurt
Tel.: 0361 5667857
E-Mail: psbs-erfurt@)
Suchthilfe in Thüringen – SiT Drogenhilfe Knackpunkt
Heinrichstraße 95, 99092 Erfurt
Tel.: 0361 228450
Caritasregion Mittelthüringen Suchthilfe-Zentrum/Beratung und Behandlung Schulzenweg 13, 99097 Erfurt
Tel.: 0361 21658460
Michaelisstraße 14, 99084 Erfurt
Tel.: 0361 590370
Until 2023, AOK PLUS will support the University of Erfurt in developing its occupational health management system. Alexandra Krumbein, Regional Managing Director of AOK PLUS, and Dr Jörg Brauns, Head of Administration of the University of Erfurt, signed a corresponding cooperation agreement in July 2020.
In a flyer we have compiled all the counselling services and service points on the topic of health promotion at the university for you.
1_2025 Health Newsletter for employees(only available in german) and students
4_2024 Health Newsletter for employees(only available in german) and students
3_2024 Health Newsletter for employees(only available in german) and students
2_2024 Health Newsletter for employees(only available in german) and students
1_2024 Health Newsletter for employees(only available in german) and students