Psychological and social counselling

Offers of the Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk)
Not everything always goes as planned during your studies. Sometimes you have to overcome crises or face changed life situations. In these cases, you can find the right contact persons at the General Social Counselling Centres (ASB) and the Psychosocial Counselling Centres (PSB) of the Studierendenwerk. You can also take advantage of free legal advice at all locations.
In addition, you can get general information about the Studierendenwerk, applications and forms as well as lots of useful information about your place of study at the information centres.

Student Helpline
Corona, WebEx conferences, online teaching, lack of campus life. For many, studying is not easy at the moment. But even apart from the current pandemic, there are situations in which you may need a listener and simply want to get things off your chest. That's why the student helpline will be launched at the start of the summer semester 2021!
Students from different fields of study and semesters will support their fellow students dealing with problems and psychological stress related to their studies, listen to them, advise them and refer them to further support services.
The telephone number +49 (0) 361 30252964 can be reached daily from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. and additionally on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Care of family members

What does it mean as a student to take care of a diseased family member, such as a parent or parent-in-law or grandmother or grandfather, while studying? And how many fellow students might feel the same way? Care means (emotional) welfare and support in everyday life, and it often happens in secret.
The Pausentaste project of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth wants to support young adults with care responsibilities.