Transparency in Research and Science

Innenansicht des Kommunikations- und Informationszentrums (KIZ) der Universität Erfurt

Standards for good scientific practice, ethical manners in research, well-considered consequences of the scientific results, transparency in third-party funding and the publication of research results are essential for a responsible and accountable research and its potential impact on individuals and society.

With this in mind, the Thuringian universities, in cooperation with relevant members, have committed themselves to regulations for a transparent presentation of research projects that are funded by third parties. An up-to-date directory, which is binding for all universities, provides information on all projects of this kind.

The directory contains all projects that were active in the year previous to the report's publication, regardless of their duration. This applies to all projects that started in that year or before and ended in that year or after. The de minimis threshold is 5,000 EUR. Projects below this sum will be reported summarily.

Project: Introduction of a Current Research Information System

What is a Current Research Information System (CRIS)? 

A CRIS is a software-based tool which allows for the systematic and standardized collection and presentation of research activities according to the Research Core Dataset (RCD). It also enables the compilation of various, quality-controlled reporting formats. A CRIS increases transparency of research as well as communication between researchers and the public.

Goals of the Project

In order to sustainably comply with the commitment to transparency regarding research projects funded by third parties, the University of Erfurt is introducing a CRIS, based on the HISinOne-RES software. We are cooperating with Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (project coordinator), Technische Universität Ilmenau, FSU Jena, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Hochschule Schmalkalden, and Hochschule Nordhausen, who are also introducing a CRIS.
Just as the corresponding preliminary project, this project is funded until 2024 by the Thüringer Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft. 

After the project’s completion, the information on research funded by third parties, which has been collected consistently and systematically with the CRIS, will be centrally presented on a shared platform (Thüringer Forschungs- und Innovationsplatform, FIP). The introduction of a CRIS will thus improve the possibilities of communication between researchers and the public as well as transparency of research activities within the University of Erfurt.

Further reading:

Under Research Services "Transparency in Science" you will find the guidelines for transparency in research and science adopted by the Thuringian State Rectors' Conference.

Ongoing third-party funded projects can be accessed via the FIS portal of the Thuringian universities.

Project „Current Research Information System"
(Staff Unit Research and Graduate Services)
building C02, room C02.00.43