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Contact Information

Postal Address:
Promovierendenvertretung der Universität Erfurt
Nordhäuser Straße 63
99089 Erfurt
Sebastian Schmidt
Alicia Göthe
Useful Informations for Doctoral Students

The information (German)we have compiled is intended to help with the financing of doctoral projects and the associated research costs.
We have written this summary with Information of time limited qualification positions (German) as information for doctoral students with qualification positions.
Tasks and Goals

We articulate and promote the interests of doctoral researchers at the University of Erfurt. We facilitate an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty exchange on matters relevant to doctoral studies and contribute to an interdisciplinary, cooperative and international doctoral culture. In addition, it is our task to make recommendations on all relevant matters in the university administration and political bodies such as the senate (Senat) or the faculty councils (Fakultätsräten Empfehlungen). Last but not least, we would like to support networking and exchange among doctoral researchers at the university.
Terms of Office
Members of the Committee are elected for one year (current term of office 01.10.2022-30.09.2023).
The Committee of the PhD representatives consists of one representative and one deputy from each faculty and the Max-Weber-Kolleg (5+5). The term of office is one year and usually begins on October 1st every year. All enrolled doctoral researchers may elect the Committee and stand for election. Each faculty and the Max-Weber-Kolleg elects its own representatives. Candidate who receives the most votes is elected as the representative. The candidate with the second most votes is elected as deputy.
Sebastian Schmidt
Faculty of Theology
Alicia Göthe
Faculty of Education
Jan Frederik Grundmann
Faculty of Economics, Law, and Social Sciences
Alina Zeller
Max Weber Centre
René Porschen
Faculty of Philosophy
Andreas Lederer
Faculty of Educationt
João Gabriel Vasconcellos Godoy
Faculty of Economics, Law, and Social Sciences
Constanze Schaller
Max Weber Centre
Patrick Müller
Faculty of Philosophy