
StuFu "Testing low-barrier teaching/learning formats"

17. May 2024, 4.30 pm - 5.30 pm
Studium Fundamentale (Juliane Wenke and Anja Werner)
Event type
not public

As part of the Studium Fundamentale seminar "Barrierearme Lehr-/ Lernformate erproben" (Testing barrier-free teaching/learning formats), students who have to deal with barriers on campus on a daily basis due to an impairment are invited to exchange ideas.

Information from the seminar leaders

We would like to invite you to a seminar session for about 30 minutes (on Friday, 17 May 2024 OR on Friday, 31 May 2024, both in the time slot 16:30-17:30 online via WebEx with written interpreters).

Alternatively, we would be grateful if you could share your impressions with us confidentially so that we can include them anonymously in the StuFu.

The aim of our StuFu is to raise awareness of barriers on campus at the University of Erfurt. In addition to in-depth sensitisation, the participants should also design projects that focus on the various barriers on campus and how these can be removed. However, this is only possible in dialogue with you, who experience these barriers on a daily basis when studying at the University of Erfurt.

One of the two lecturers in the seminar is hearing impaired herself, so our StuFu itself is also barrier-reduced and our communication is largely in writing. If this is a difficulty for you, we will find a solution!

We look forward to reading from you and will be happy to answer any questions you may have, especially regarding the sensitive handling of your experiences. Please contact us at: and

  • Juliane Wenke
    Mitglied, Fachrichtung "Zeitgeschichte" (Erfurter RaumZeit-Forschung)