| Student Council

11th meeting of the 22nd StuRa on 06.01.2021 at 8 p.m. via Webex

We cordially invite you to our 11th meeting, on wednesday, 06.01.2021, at 8 p.m.

Dear students of the university of Erfurt,

on the right-hand side you can find the agenda.

If you have any further wishes for the agenda, please contact us.

Of course the meeting will take place online (as usual by now). Just register under the link on the right-hand side with your university-email-adress and please indicate whether you are simply participating as a guest or as a representative of a student council or a university group. We will then unlock you and you can turn on to the meeting on Wednesday at 8 p.m.   

Webex works via browser, you need a microphone and if you want a webcam.