| Internal service, Service, Central events

Carotid screening offer for preventive health care

Due to the high demand, the University Health Management in cooperation with the BARMER health insurance company is once again offering employees of the University of Erfurt the opportunity to take part in an individual carotid screening on 14 March from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in which the carotid artery is examined using ultrasound.

Stroke or cerebral infarction is one of the most common causes of death, and in many cases it could be avoided if it were detected early. After the examination, the participants receive a written evaluation of the measurement, a short personal consultation on the results and, if necessary, a concrete recommendation for action to improve the status quo or for further examinations by the family doctor or specialist. A total of approx. 20 minutes should be planned, which will be deducted from the working time. Registration is possible by email to gesundheit@uni-erfurt.de.