eduroom – Werkstatt für Medienbildung, Erfurt School of Education, Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Lehre, Studium

Digitale Bildung in der grundschulpädagogischen Praxis: Einblicke und Beispiele

29. Nov 2023, 5.00 pm - 7.30 pm
eduroom – Media Education Workplace (teaching building 2 (C07), room 309)
eduroom - Media education lab
Sara Werner (Die Digitalmacherei/Snipin)
Event type
Event Language(s)
Students and teachers in teacher training programmes and all interested parties

Workshop with Sara Werner (Die Digitalmacherei/Snipin) for students and teachers in teacher training programmes and all interested parties.

From a general overview to the practice of digital education! This workshop presents approaches and concepts for integrating digital tools and topics from the context of digital education into everyday teaching - from programming with Lego robots, MakeyMakey and Calliope mini to working with artificial intelligence and 'programming without electricity'. In addition to presenting different approaches, this workshop also offers the opportunity to experience and implement individual approaches in practice.


Please register for the event using the form on the eduroom website.

to the form