| Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Interne Serviceseiten, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, Philosophische Fakultät, Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Willy Brandt School of Public Policy, Studium, Zentrale Veranstaltungen

Free training offer for student assistants

As part of the eTEACH network Thuringia, in which the University of Erfurt is also involved, a free training course for student assistants ("Tutoren@eTeach") is again available. In this training, student assistants can be qualified as e-tutors in order to better support teachers in the design of media-enriched teaching/learning formats.

The training will take place online during the semester and consists of synchronous and asynchronous elements. For more information on the training and the registration modalities, please contact the eTEACH network at:


For professors at the University of Erfurt who enable a student assistant to participate in the entire course, 500 EUR can be granted as support to finance the qualification measure. For this, a digital copy of the certificate, a copy of the assistant's contract and the cost centre number of the professorship must be sent after completion of the entire course. The funds will then be transferred to the chair's account accordingly. If possible, please register your interest in refinancing at maren.wuerfel@uni-erfurt.de before registering for the training.