| Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät, SPF Religion. Gesellschaft. Weltbeziehung., Forschung

Issue "Theological highlights on Corona" published

How can the pandemic help us to focus on the 'essentials'? Can Corona be a wake-up call? And can the seemingly pointless epidemic be given a meaning after all? In numerous articles, scientists from the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Erfurt have approached the Corona pandemic from a theological perspective. Now the contributions have been collected and published in a special issue.

In the series "Theologische Schlaglichter auf Corona" (Theological Highlights on Corona), members of the faculty have been commenting on the Corona crisis since spring 2020 on the faculty blog "Theologie Aktuell". The authors reflected on topics that have long been relevant fields of discourse in theology, but which have now increasingly become the focus of public debate due to the pandemic – the discussion about power as well as the stigmatization of foreign and sick bodies and society's handling of loss and deprivation.

The booklet would like to "bundle the thoughts of those contributions and carry them forward into a discourse which, with an alert eye and an open mind, can hopefully provide fruitful approaches for the further development of human interaction in society, state and church, even beyond the acute threat," explain Dean Prof. Dr. Jörg Seiler and Desiree Haak, a member of the Knowledge Transfer project. "We hope to provide fresh food for thought. The deprivations, uncertainties and losses that COVID-19 has brought me worldwide call for us to always be aware of our responsibility for each other. Let us practice the attitude of a respectful and solidary cooperation anew!

The booklet is now available on campus and can be obtained on request from the Deanery in the Faculty of Catholic Theology.

A digital version is available for download at (German only): https://www.uni-erfurt.de/fileadmin/fakultaet/katholisch-theologische/Fakultaet/Forschung/Publikationen/Corona_Themenheft_2020_Universitaet_Erfurt.pdf

University of Erfurt | Faculty of Catholic Theology
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