Studierendenrat, Studium

Public team meeting University group BaseMent e.V.

1. Nov 2023, 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm
Kreativtankstelle Erfurt (Veilchenstraße 32, 99092 Erfurt)
Hochschulgruppe BaseMent e.V.
Event type

The university group BaseMent e.V. uses child and youth mentoring to promote more educational and equal opportunities for children and young people in Erfurt. At our public team meeting, you can learn more about our mentoring programme, how to register as a mentor, how our team is structured and how you can contribute your ideas.

Just come and visit us without any obligation! If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to check out our website or Instagram page, or simply send us an Instagram message or email. We look forward to seeing you!