| Equal opportunity office, Internal service, Service, Studies

"Räuberhöhle" reopens from 4 April

After a longer "Corona break", the flexible childcare facility "Räuberhöhle" of the Thuringian Student Services Organisation (Studierendenwerk) on campus of the University of Erfurt will be open again on a regular basis from 4 April 2022. Registrations are now possible at the "Studierendenwerk" info point (cafeteria building).

The "Studierendenwerk" offers flexible childcare in cooperation with the universities. Students and employees of the universities and the Studierendenwerk can place their children in the care of student assistants with experience in childcare for a maximum of four hours per day or ten hours per week. A place can be booked in blocks (one block of 2 hours). Students pay 4 euros for a block and university employees 6.50 euros. External supervisors can book childcare for 10 euros.

Further information can be found on the !Räuberhöhle" website at: www.stw-thueringen.de/studieren-mit-kind/flexible-kinderbetreuung/raeuberhoehle-an-der-uni-erfurt.html