Statement: Alternative qualification paths for teachers must not be thought of without the universities! (Story)

The Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF) has written a statement on alternative paths to the teaching profession. Its Vice-President Johannes Bauer, Professor of Educational Research and Methodology, spoke to us for our research blog WortMelder about teacher shortages, lateral entry and the statement.

On the one hand, it is of course absolutely central that teaching takes place at all. On the other hand, alternative qualification paths cannot be the final solution. Designing high-quality teaching is an extremely demanding task.

To the blog post (german only)

in the media

The Süddeutsche Zeitung also interviewed Johannes Bauer on the subject of teacher shortages and lateral entry as a solution.

The article is a Plus article.

But: Members of the University of Erfurt can read the article via LibraryNet:

to the article "Es reicht nicht aus, ein Fach gut zu verstehen" (03.08.2023)