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For more mindfulness in everyday professional life

Four lecturers at the University of Erfurt completed a certificate course on mindfulness in university teaching in 2020/21 as part of the "Mindful Universities" project, a supra-regional cooperation platform on which the University of Erfurt is also represented. Now they were able to receive their certificates.

The course consisted of five modules. Proven experts in university mindfulness demonstrated in a practice-oriented way how mindfulness exercises can be integrated into teaching, research and committee work. The participants also had the opportunity to present their own practical project.

"Our goal was and is to encourage university lecturers to try out mindful teaching, learning and communication styles in their everyday work and to combine them creatively with their role as lecturers," explains Dr Birgit Jäpelt, who is the contact person for the project at the University of Erfurt and works as a research assistant in the Department of Special and Social Education.

The certificate course took place in cooperation with Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences and was financially supported by AOKPlus.