| Internal service, International, Service, Studies

Higher funding for Erasmus stays

The Erasmus programme for the exchange of international students is to become more digital, inclusive and sustainable. The International Office of the University of Erfurt has provided information about this.

In June this year, the Erasmus programme celebrated its 35th birthday. More than twelve million Europeans have participated in Erasmus since 1987, including one million Germans. Since 2021, there has been a new programme generation that focuses on greater promotion of equal opportunities, inclusion and diversity, the digital transformation and the topic of sustainability.

For students, the new programme generation brings an increased mobility allowance of €150 (now €600 / €540 / €490 per month depending on the destination country) as well as an additional amount of €250 per month for students with disabilities, chronic illnesses, with children, working students or first-time graduates. In addition, the use of sustainable means of transport to and from the university is rewarded with 50 € and additional travel days.

After two years of uncertainties due to the Corona pandemic, approximately one third more Erasmus students will go abroad to study at the University of Erfurt in the academic year 2022/23 than before the pandemic, specifically 133. In addition, there will be more students participating in structured intensive programmes with students from partner universities. Although the University of Erfurt's Erasmus budget will increase considerably, it will not be enough to cover the increased scholarship rates for a larger group of participants. Therefore, Erasmus residual funds from the Corona years must also be used. So that it does not lead to unequal treatment of those students who are supported by funds from the previous year and would thus receive lower scholarship rates, the mobility grants for these students will be topped up from university funds for internationalisation up to the amount of the current scholarships. The University will provide approx. 21,000 € for this purpose.

If you have any questions, please contact the International Office.