The Römische Mitteilungen of the German Archaeological Institute is an annually published journal. It promotes international scientific exchange in the fields of archaeology, art and architecture of Italy and neighbouring areas. The journal sees itself as a platform for the presentation and discussion of material culture from prehistoric times to the early Middle Ages, with a traditional focus on classical antiquity. Contributions ranging from individual studies to overviews of excavation results are published, which have undergone a double-blind peer-review process.
Since volume 127 (2021), in addition to the printed edition, the Römische Mitteilungen have also been published online and in open access ( This means that all articles can also be accessed in as interactive texts which, in addition to illustrations and footnotes, are also directly linked to the DAI databases, for example for illustrations with Arachne (iDAI.objects), in the footnotes with Zenon (iDAI.bibliography) or the index of places (iDAI.gazetteer). The online version also has citable paragraph numbering.
Jörg Rüpke is a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). "The Max Weber Kolleg, and in particular the research group “Religion and Urbanity” based at our institute, have been working together with the DAI for some time; in September, both institutions are involved in a summer school, and in February next year in a conference in Rome," explains the academic manager of the Kolleg, apl. Prof. Dr. Bettina Hollstein.