| Max-Weber-Kolleg, Faculty of Philosophy, Research, International, Events

"Ukrainian Research Online" event series starts

"A Sense of Belonging to War in Ukraine" is the title of an online lecture by the social anthropologist Tina Polek, which launches the event series "Ukrainian Research Online" today. It starts at 6 p.m. and all interested parties are cordially invited.

The series was founded by members of the University of Erfurt in cooperation with the University Society as a reaction to the war in Ukraine. It is intended to give Ukrainian academics more visibility and support them in their work. All lectures will be published on YouTube in the coming weeks and months. The lectures will also be available online afterwards. They will be held in English.

Bernhard Kleeberg, Professor of History of Science at the University of Erfurt and initiator of the campaign: "We are very pleased that our lecture series "Ukrainian Research Online" can now start after intensive preparation." The next lecture will follow on Thursday, 14 July, at 6 pm. Olha Martyniuk from the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) Regensburg will speak on the topic "Turning away from the Great Patriotic War: The Ukrainian Transformation of the Memory of the Second World War".

The speakers will receive an honorarium, which will be financed by donations to the University Society. Donations can be made to the account of the University Society Erfurt at VR-Bank Bad Salzungen Schmalkalden eG: IBAN: DE30 8409 4754 0003 6860 00 / BIC: GENODEF1SAL under the keyword "Ukraine". If you need a donation receipt, please email your name, address and the amount of your donation to: geschaeftsstelle@unigesellschaft-erfurt.de. You can find more information here: www.uni-erfurt.de/en/international/aktuell/news/news-detail/fundraising-campaign-launched-for-scientists-at-risk.

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